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Ideological shifts in the BBC headlines translated into Ukrainian and Russian
Perspectives ( IF 1.000 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1080/0907676x.2021.1891269
Angela Kamyanets 1


The study conducts a critical analysis of Ukrainian and Russian versions of news headlines originally published in English on the BBC News website. The corpus comprises 90 news reports (30 in each language) covering politics. The objective is to reveal any shifts in the assumptions and attitudes expressed by the target headlines as compared with the source, and thus in the ideological meaning that the headlines convey. Depending on the type of modification the headlines undergo in translation, they have been divided into three groups: adaptation to the background knowledge of the new target audience, foregrounding some detail of the news story, and permutations. The findings indicate that target headlines are more likely to undergo modifications in translation that result in ideological shifts when news reports refer to Ukraine or Russia, respectively, or bear upon their political interests. The shifts in the Ukrainian headlines mostly reflect the ideology of the pro-Western part of Ukrainian society and, therefore, tend to be subtle, while the shifts in the Russian headlines often make the latter more consistent with the official political ideology in Russia, which in many respects is fundamentally different from the Western point of view upheld by the BBC.


BBC 头条新闻中的意识形态转变被翻译成乌克兰语和俄语


该研究对最初在 BBC 新闻网站上以英语发布的乌克兰和俄罗斯版本的新闻标题进行了批判性分析。该语料库包含 90 篇报道政治的新闻报道(每种语言 30 篇)。目的是揭示目标标题所表达的假设和态度与来源相比的任何变化,从而揭示标题所传达的意识形态含义。根据标题在翻译中所经历的修改类型,它们被分为三组:适应新目标受众的背景知识、突出新闻故事的某些细节和排列。研究结果表明,当新闻报道提到乌克兰或俄罗斯时,目标标题更有可能在翻译中进行修改,从而导致意识形态转变,分别,或影响他们的政治利益。乌克兰头条新闻的变化主要反映了乌克兰社会亲西方的意识形态,因此往往是微妙的,而俄罗斯头条新闻的变化往往使后者更符合俄罗斯官方的政治意识形态,即在许多方面与 BBC 所坚持的西方观点有着根本的不同。
