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Female leadership and bank performance in Latin America
Emerging Markets Review ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ememar.2021.100807
Laura Baselga-Pascual , Emilia Vähämaa

This paper examines the relationship between gender diversity in corporate boards and executive positions and bank risk and performance in Latin America. Our sample covers 91 individual banks during 2000–2017. Our results suggest that banks with a higher proportion of female executives tend to have lower Z-scores than male-led banks. However, female-led banks are more profitable. Our results provide new information related to the debate on the relationship between gender-based behavioural differences and financial decisions by showing that Latin American banks with a higher proportion of female executives are riskier and more profitable than male-led banks. Given the impact of bank performance on the international economy, the global interconnection of financial institutions, and the lack of legal protection in this region, it is of interest for regulators and policy makers to analyse possible sources of better performance and governance in Latin American banks.



本文研究了拉丁美洲公司董事会和高管职位的性别多样性与银行风险和绩效之间的关系。我们的样本涵盖 2000 年至 2017 年期间的 91 家银行。我们的结果表明,女性高管比例较高的银行往往具有较低的Z-分数高于男性主导的银行。然而,女性主导的银行更有利可图。我们的研究结果表明,女性高管比例较高的拉丁美洲银行比男性领导的银行风险更高,利润更高,从而提供了与基于性别的行为差异与财务决策之间关系的辩论相关的新信息。鉴于银行业绩对​​国际经济的影响、金融机构的全球互联以及该地区缺乏法律保护,监管机构和政策制定者分析拉丁美洲银行更好的业绩和治理的可能来源是有意义的.
