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Towards sustainable pedestrian mobility in Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia: A case study
Sustainable Cities and Society ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102831
B. Sultan , I.M. Katar , M.E. Al-Atroush

A new public transportation network is currently being constructed in Riyadh city. Public buses and Riyadh metro are expected to be available for the passengers shortly. Based on the Saudi Vision 2030, the government directed billions of dollars to rehabilitate the infrastructures and sidewalks to support the national transformation to sustainable mobility. With that in mind, understanding the individual’s choice of mobility mode is necessary to adopt appropriate planning and management policies. In this paper, a comprehensive assessment study has been carried out to examine the individual’s travel patterns in Riyadh city through a case study of the Prince Sultan University's (PSU) community and evaluate the pedestrian environment's quality around the campus. Individuals' travel patterns were analyzed using a web-based survey addressed to the PSU community, including; Students, Faculty, and Staff. Moreover, the quality of the pedestrian's environment was in-situ evaluated based on well-defined indicators. The results of this assessment addressed the factors influencing the pedestrian mode choice and highlighted the barriers that may delay the transformation to sustainable mobility. Based on this study's conclusions, several recommendations have been proposed to promote the transformation to sustainable mobility in Riyadh city.



利雅得市目前正在建设一个新的公共交通网络。预计不久将为乘客提供公共巴士和利雅得地铁。根据《沙特2030年愿景》,政府指示数十亿美元用于恢复基础设施和人行道,以支持国家向可持续交通发展的转型。考虑到这一点,有必要了解个人对出行方式的选择,以采取适当的计划和管理政策。本文通过对苏丹王子大学(PSU)社区的案例研究,对利雅得市的个人出行方式进行了全面的评估研究,并评估了校园周围行人环境的质量。个人的 使用针对PSU社区的基于网络的调查分析了出行方式,其中包括:学生,教职员工。此外,根据明确定义的指标对行人环境的质量进行了现场评估。评估结果解决了影响行人模式选择的因素,并着重指出了可能阻碍向可持续出行方式转变的障碍。根据这项研究的结论,提出了一些建议,以促进利雅得市向可持续交通发展的转变。评估结果解决了影响行人模式选择的因素,并着重指出了可能阻碍向可持续出行方式转变的障碍。根据这项研究的结论,提出了一些建议,以促进利雅得市向可持续交通发展的转变。评估结果解决了影响行人模式选择的因素,并着重指出了可能阻碍向可持续出行方式转变的障碍。根据这项研究的结论,提出了一些建议,以促进利雅得市向可持续交通发展的转变。
