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Numerical modeling of particle motion in traveling wave solar panels cleaning device
Journal of Electrostatics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2021.103552
Ayyoub Zouaghi , Noureddine Zouzou

One of the promising solutions of dust accumulation on solar panels consists of using electric potential waves to prevent dust adhesion and to remove the dust layer. This study aims to understand the particle motion mechanisms on an electrostatic traveling wave conveyor. Understanding the effect of the operating parameters on particle trajectories and displacement distance is an essential step to improve the efficiency of this device and to understand the factors that can limit its performance. A numerical model that takes into account Coulomb force, dielectrophoretic, and image forces, but also gravity, drag force, and van der Waals adhesion force is carried out. The effect of rotating electric field, frequency, and electric potential harmonics on the particle trajectories and their characteristics are analyzed and discussed. The results reveal that the particles move according to four main movement modes. The frequency is a key parameter to control particle velocity and displacement. A hyper-synchronous movement during which the particles reach velocities much higher than the propagation velocity of the traveling wave has been obtained under certain conditions.



