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100 Years Ago in the American Ornithologists’ Union
Ornithology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukaa084
Leesia C Marshall 1

The annual meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) convened in Philadelphia at the Academy of Natural Sciences on November 7, 1921. Attendance was near 125. Among those present were 24 Members and 25 Fellows, of which 2 were founders, C. F. Batchelder (1856–1954) and A. K. Fisher (1856–1948). Also present were Retired Fellows W. K. Fisher (1878–1953) and N. T. Lawrence (1855–1928), as well as Corresponding Fellows W. L. Abbott (1860–1936) and H. K. Swann (1871–1926). In opening day’s business sessions, F. A. Lucas (1852–1939) requested to be moved to the list of Retired Fellows, and Arthur Cleveland Bent (1866–1954) was elected to replace him. Bent is known for his Life Histories of North American Birds. He would serve as the President of the AOU from 1935 to 1937. Officers reelected to their previous positions were Witmer Stone as President of the AOU and Editor of The Auk, George Bird Grinnell and Jonathan Dwight as Vice Presidents, T. S. (Tombstone) Palmer as Secretary, and W. L. McAtee as Treasurer. Seven ex-presidents served on the Council and reelected members were Ruthven Deane, Joseph Grinnell, H. C. Oberholser, W. H. Osgood, C, W. Richmond, and T. S. Roberts. The Council awarded Robert Ridgway the first William Brewster Memorial Award for the eighth volume of the Birds of North and Middle America.



美国鸟类学家联盟(AOU)的年会于1921年11月7日在费城自然科学学院召开。出席人数接近125位。其中有24位成员和25位研究员,其中2位是创始人CF Batchelder (1856-1954)和AK Fisher(1856-1948)。出席会议的还有退休研究员WK Fisher(1878–1953)和NT Lawrence(1855–1928),以及相应的研究员WL Abbott(1860–1936)和HK Swann(1871-1926)。在开幕日的商务会议上,卢卡斯(FA Lucas,1852-1939年)要求将其移入退休人员名单,而阿瑟·克利夫兰·本特(Arthur Cleveland Bent,1866年至1954年)被选举为接替他。本特因其《北美鸟类的生活史》而闻名他将作为AOU总统连任,从他们以前的职位1935年至1937年官员是威特默石为AOU和编辑总统的海雀,鸟乔治格林内尔和乔纳森·德怀特作为副总裁,TS(墓碑)作为帕尔默秘书,WL McAtee担任财务主管。七位前总统在理事会任职,连任成员分别是Ruthven Deane,Joseph Grinnell,HC Oberholser,WH Osgood,C,W。Richmond和TS Roberts。理事会授予罗伯特•里奇韦(Robert Ridgway)第一次威廉•布鲁斯特纪念奖,以纪念“北美和中美洲鸟类”的第八卷。