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Measuring the Role of Uniqueness and Consistency to Develop Effective Advertising
Journal of Advertising ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2021.1883488
Alexander Mafael 1 , Sascha Raithel 2 , Charles R. Taylor 3 , David W. Stewart 4


Prior research on creativity and the effectiveness of executional factors in advertising has focused on the impact of uniqueness and consistency in comparison to prior and competitive advertising. Relatively little is known about the specific impact of these variables and their relationship to each other, and few existing measures of consistency and uniqueness extend beyond subjective rating scales. In this research, we develop new measures of advertising uniqueness and consistency. We use data from 10 years of Super Bowl advertisements along with panel data on word-of-mouth communication for the advertised brands (buzz) to demonstrate the validity of this methodology. Our findings suggest it is not the presence of any particular element but whether the element and what it is combined with are unique and consistent. Advertisements are likely to be more effective if they are unique from earlier ads for all brands but also consistent with ads for the same brand from prior periods.




先前对广告中创造力和执行因素有效性的研究集中在与先前和竞争性广告相比的独特性和一致性的影响上。对这些变量的具体影响及其相互关系知之甚少,而且很少有现有的一致性和独特性度量超出主观评分量表。在这项研究中,我们开发了衡量广告独特性和一致性的新方法。我们使用 10 年超级碗广告的数据以及有关广告品牌(嗡嗡声)的口碑传播面板数据来证明这种方法的有效性。我们的研究结果表明,这不是任何特定元素的存在,而是元素及其结合的内容是否独特且一致。
