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A repertoire of everyday resistance: young Muslims’ responses to anti-Muslim hostility
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/1369183x.2021.1894913
Rune Ellefsen 1 , Sveinung Sandberg 1


Research has shown widespread discrimination and hostility toward Muslims in Western countries. There is less knowledge of how Muslims resist, oppose, or challenge such behaviour. Based on in-depth interviews with 90 young Muslims in Norway, this study explores responses to anti-Muslim hostility. We describe a repertoire of everyday resistance: talking back, entering dialogue, living the example, denying significance, and talking down. The first three forms occur in face-to-face encounters while the latter two are retrospect sense-making of negative experiences. We conceptualise these responses as everyday resistance because they entail ways of actively countering anti-Muslim hostility, as opposed to passively accepting or adapting to it. This repertoire of everyday resistance can make it easier to avoid victimisation, protect religious identities, and ease the daily lives of young Muslims. Increased attention to narrative resistance in studies of everyday resistance will provide a better understanding of the many ways in which marginalised groups cope, resist, and struggle with their stigma.




研究表明,西方国家普遍存在对穆斯林的歧视和敌意。关于穆斯林如何抵制、反对或挑战这种行为的知识较少。基于对挪威 90 名年轻穆斯林的深入访谈,本研究探讨了对反穆斯林敌意的反应。我们描述了日常抵抗的全部内容:顶嘴、进入对话、以身作则、否认重要性和低声说话。前三种形式发生在面对面的相遇中,而后两种形式是对负面经历的回顾性意义构建。我们将这些反应概念化为日常抵抗,因为它们需要积极对抗反穆斯林敌意的方式,而不是被动地接受或适应它。这种日常抵抗的曲目可以更容易避免受害,保护宗教身份,并缓解年轻穆斯林的日常生活。在日常反抗研究中对叙事反抗的关注将有助于更好地理解边缘化群体应对、反抗和与他们的污名作斗争的多种方式。
