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The influence of teacher habitus on the university applications of moderately-attaining students
British Journal of Sociology of Education ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2021.1889358
Nuala Burgess 1


Much of the research examining students’ university choosing in England focuses on rates of access to ‘elite’ universities for high-attaining state-educated students. By contrast, the experiences of students applying to ‘new’ universities remain under-researched. This paper considers moderately attaining 16–18 years olds as a discrete group and highlights how a combination of England’s Higher Education (HE) policy and school performance measures may influence levels of support for students’ university applications. Drawing on an ethnographic study of a London state school, it finds that support for students’ university applications was differentiated in ways which overwhelmingly disadvantaged moderate attainers. A competitive school market, combined with a policy focus on ‘fair access’ to ‘elite’ institutions, meant high attainers’ university applications were consistently prioritised. Some teachers were found who navigated dominant HE discourses, drawing on an ethical teacher habitus and their social and cultural capital to support students applying to less prestigious universities.




