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Bridging Materiality and Subjectivity: Expanding the Commons in Cooperation Birmingham
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12719
Sergio Ruiz Cayuela 1

Expansion is a matter of survival for emancipatory commons, permanently threatened by enclosure and cooptation. In this paper, I draw from my experience within Cooperation Birmingham to propose a theory (and practice) for expanding the commons that bridges two seemingly conflicting approaches. On the one hand, the concepts of “boundary commoning” and “commons ecologies” proposed by Massimo De Angelis, concerned with social reproduction and material autonomy. And on the other, “expanding commoning” as developed by Stavros Stavrides, which focuses on radical openness and the production of commoning subjectivities. I demonstrate how in organising a mutual aid response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Cooperation Birmingham is using an expansion strategy that productively articulates both approaches. Boundary commoning and expanding commoning reinforce each other in the construction of a commons ecology that aims at posing a material alternative to capitalist social organisation while remaining always in-the-making and open to new commoners.



扩张是解放公地的生存问题,永久地受到圈地和合作的威胁。在本文中,我借鉴了我在合作伯明翰的经验,提出了一种理论(和实践),用于扩展公地,将两种看似冲突的方法联系起来。一方面,Massimo De Angelis 提出的“边界公共”和“公共生态”概念,关注社会再生产和物质自主。另一方面,由 Stavros Stavrides 开发的“扩大公共”,其重点是激进的开放和公共主体性的产生。我展示了在组织对 Covid-19 大流行的互助反应时,伯明翰合作组织如何使用一种扩展策略,有效地阐明了这两种方法。