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The adverse impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the labor market in Cameroon
African Development Review ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-8268.12508
Yannick Fosso Djoumessi 1

This paper analyzes the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment in Cameroon. Using data collected from a rapid survey led by the National Institute of Statistics, on a sample of 1,310 respondents from April to May 2020. These data show that a large proportion of workers suffered a wage cut (60.93%) and temporary job suspension (31.6%), and the smallest proportion suffered job loss (7.47%). The results of the logistic regression show that lower frequency of outgoings to work, difficulties in accessing transport services and the loss of customer confidence have a strong negative impact on both wage cuts and temporary suspensions of work. The closure (total or partial) of activities has increasingly enhanced job loss. Further, the log of odds show that workers in private firms are more affected than their peers in public firms, and the middle-aged are the most affected group. So, it is recommended to revamp the old methods of activity into digital innovation that enables less physical touch and find an appropriate way to support those who have lost their jobs during this Covid-19 pandemic, particularly in the private sector.



本文分析了 Covid-19 大流行对喀麦隆就业的影响。国家统计局2020年4月至5月对1,310名受访者进行的快速调查数据显示,很大一部分工人遭受了工资削减(60.93%)和临时停职(31.6%)。 %),失业比例最小(7.47%)。逻辑回归的结果表明,上班频率降低、获得交通服务困难以及客户信心丧失对减薪和临时停工都有强烈的负面影响。活动的关闭(全部或部分)日益加剧了失业。此外,赔率对数显示,私营企业员工比公营企业员工受到的影响更大,其中中年人是受影响最大的群体。因此,建议将旧的活动方法改造为数字创新,减少身体接触,并找到适当的方式来支持那些在 Covid-19 大流行期间失业的人,特别是私营部门的人。