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Feeding and eating problems in children and adolescents with autism: A scoping review
Autism ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1362361321995631
Jessica Baraskewich 1, 2 , Kristin M von Ranson 1, 2 , Adam McCrimmon 1, 2 , Carly A McMorris 1, 2

Feeding problems, such as picky eating and food avoidance, are common in youth with autism. Other feeding and eating problems (e.g. disordered eating, fear of trying new foods, and insistence on specific food presentation) are also common in this population. This scoping review describes the nature and extent of feeding and eating problems in autistic youth and reports characteristics of autistic youth who experience such issues. Thirty-four studies were included in the current review, with almost all studies (91%) investigating feeding problems. Only 9% of studies examined concern with weight, shape, and/or body image, but several authors noted that disordered eating attitudes and behaviors may occur more frequently in those with autism than their peers without autism. No common individual characteristics (e.g. cognitive functioning and autism symptom severity) were identified for youth who experience feeding or eating problems. Although differentiating “feeding” from “eating” problems is critical for accurate identification and treatment of these issues, the existing literature has failed to do so. We propose that in future research “eating problems” be used when behaviors involve preoccupation with food, eating, or body image, and “feeding problems” be used when such preoccupation is absent.

Lay abstract

Feeding problems, such as picky eating and food avoidance, are common in youth with autism. Other, broader difficulties with feeding and eating (eating disorder symptoms such as restricting food intake or preoccupation with body shape or weight and insistence on specific food presentation) are also common in autistic individuals. Here, we describe the nature and extent of feeding and eating problems in youth with autism. We found no common characteristics (such as severity of autism symptoms) that best describe autistic youth who experience problems with feeding or eating. Almost all studies we reviewed focused on problems with feeding (selective or picky eating), and only a few studies focused on eating disorder symptoms (concern with weight, shape, and/or body image). However, some researchers reported that eating disorder symptoms may occur more often in autistic individuals compared to their peers without autism. Many studies used the terms “feeding” and “eating” problems interchangeably, but understanding the difference between these problems is important for researchers to be consistent, as well as for proper identification and treatment. We suggest future researchers use “eating problems” when behaviors involve preoccupation with food, eating, or body image, and “feeding problems” when this preoccupation is absent. We highlight the importance of understanding whether feeding or eating problems are separate from autism traits, and the role of caregivers and other adults in the child’s treatment. Considerations for health-care providers to assist with diagnosis and treatment are also provided.



挑食和回避食物等喂养问题在患有自闭症的青少年中很常见。其他喂养和饮食问题(例如饮食失调、害怕尝试新食物以及坚持特定的食物呈现方式)在这一人群中也很常见。这份范围审查描述了自闭症青少年喂养和饮食问题的性质和程度,并报告了经历此类问题的自闭症青少年的特征。当前的审查纳入了 34 项研究,几乎所有研究 (91%) 都调查了喂养问题。只有 9% 的研究考察了对体重、体形和/或身体形象的关注,但一些作者指出,自闭症患者比非自闭症同龄人更容易出现饮食失调的态度和行为。对于经历喂养或饮食问题的青少年,没有发现共同的个体特征(例如认知功能和自闭症症状严重程度)。尽管区分“喂养”和“吃”问题对于准确识别和治疗这些问题至关重要,但现有文献却未能做到这一点。我们建议,在未来的研究中,当行为涉及对食物、饮食或身体形象的关注时,使用“饮食问题”;当不存在这种关注时,使用“喂养问题”。


