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Tropical wetland persistence through the Anthropocene: Multiproxy reconstruction of environmental change in a Maya agroecosystem
Anthropocene ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2021.100284
Samantha Krause , Timothy P. Beach , Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach , Duncan Cook , Steven R. Bozarth , Fred Valdez , Thomas H. Guderjan

Wetlands epitomize all forms of the proposed Anthropocene era because they record both past and recent human environmental interaction and because of their abundant resources. This is especially true for tropical wetlands, and a growing body of research demonstrates their important connections with past and Indigenous societies. Maya culture, for example, provides an extraordinary example of wetland use in the “Early Anthropocene”. Through excavations and lidar survey, we demonstrate that ancient Maya farmers managed riparian wetlands in northwestern Belize to a much greater spatial extent than previous estimates. This paper provides new evidence from soil geomorphic and palaeoecological excavations within the Birds of Paradise wetland in Belize. We focus on the timing, extent, and intensity of human management as well as soil pedogenesis and ecological changes over the last c. 2000 years. Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates show the transformation of the wetland from a natural to an agricultural system, starting as early as c. 2100 BP. The Maya were constructing berms on the margin of the wetland by c. 1600 BP, and widespread clearing and canal construction began by c. 1350-1290 BP. These periods coincide with population growth and decline and urban construction and abandonment in this region. This clearing, farming, and channelization ended as late as c. 690-620 BP based on canal sedimentation, pollen evidence reflecting tropical forest replacing cultivars like maize, and soil carbon isotope ratios that reflect C4 plants like maize shifting to more mixed and C3 plants. We demonstrate the complexity and scale of human engineering and modification of soil and water resources, provide a new chronology for ancient wetland use, and present new evidence for the farming of economic plants as well as the succession of tropical wetlands after intensive anthropogenic manipulation ceased.



湿地是拟议的人类世时代的所有形式的缩影,因为它们记录了过去和最近的人类环境互动,并且资源丰富。对于热带湿地尤其如此,越来越多的研究表明它们与过去和土著社会的重要联系。例如,玛雅文化在“早期人类世”中提供了一个湿地利用的非凡示例。通过发掘和激光雷达勘测,我们证明了古代玛雅人农民在伯利兹西北部对河岸湿地的管理程度比以前的估计要大得多。本文从伯利兹天堂鸟湿地内的土壤地貌和古生态发掘提供了新的证据。我们专注于时间,范围,人类管理的强度和强度,以及土壤成岩作用和生态变化。2000年 放射性碳日期的贝叶斯模型表明,早在c之前,湿地就已从自然系统转变为农业系统。2100 BP。玛雅人在c之前在湿地的边缘建造了护堤。1600 BP,c开始了广泛的清理和运河建设。1350-1290 BP。这些时期与该地区的人口增长和下降以及城市建设和废弃相吻合。这种清理,耕种和渠道化的进程直到c才结束。690-620 BP,基于渠道沉积,花粉证据反映了热带森林替代玉米等栽培品种,以及反映C的土壤碳同位素比 放射性碳日期的贝叶斯模型表明,早在c之前,湿地就已从自然系统转变为农业系统。2100 BP。玛雅人在c之前在湿地的边缘建造了护堤。1600 BP,c开始了广泛的清理和运河建设。1350-1290 BP。这些时期与该地区的人口增长和下降以及城市建设和废弃相吻合。这种清理,耕种和渠道化的进程直到c才结束。690-620 BP,基于渠道沉积,花粉证据反映了热带森林替代玉米等栽培品种,以及反映C的土壤碳同位素比 放射性碳日期的贝叶斯模型表明,早在c之前,湿地就已从自然系统转变为农业系统。2100 BP。玛雅人在c之前在湿地的边缘建造了护堤。1600 BP,c开始了广泛的清理和运河建设。1350-1290 BP。这些时期与该地区的人口增长和下降以及城市建设和废弃相吻合。这种清理,耕种和渠道化的进程直到c才结束。690-620 BP,基于渠道沉积,花粉证据反映了热带森林替代玉米等栽培品种,以及反映C的土壤碳同位素比 c。开始广泛的清理和运河建设。1350-1290 BP。这些时期与该地区的人口增长和下降以及城市建设和废弃相吻合。这种清理,耕种和渠道化的进程直到c才结束。690-620 BP,基于渠道沉积,花粉证据反映了热带森林替代玉米等栽培品种,以及反映C的土壤碳同位素比 c。开始广泛的清理和运河建设。1350-1290 BP。这些时期与该地区的人口增长和下降以及城市建设和废弃相吻合。这种清理,耕种和渠道化的进程直到c才结束。690-620 BP,基于渠道沉积,花粉证据反映了热带森林替代玉米等栽培品种,以及反映C的土壤碳同位素比玉米等4种植物转移到更多的C 3植物中。我们证明了人类工程学的复杂性和规模以及对土壤和水资源的改造,为古代湿地的使用提供了新的年表,并为密集的人为操作停止后经济植物的种植以及热带湿地的演替提供了新的证据。
