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Financial Inclusion, Shocks, and Poverty: Evidence from the Expansion of Mobile Money in Tanzania
Journal of Human Resources ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.3368/jhr.57.2.1018-9796r1
Olukorede Abiona , Martin Foureaux Koppensteiner

We estimate the effect of mobile money adoption on consumption smoothing, poverty and human capital investments in Tanzania. We exploit the rapid expansion of the mobile money agent network between 2010 and 2012 and combine this with idiosyncratic shocks from variation in rainfall over time and across space in an instrumented DiD methodology. We find that adopter households are able to smooth consumption during periods of shocks and maintain their investments in human capital. Results on time use of children and labor force participation complement the findings on the important role of mobile money for the intergenerational transmission of poverty.



我们估计了移动货币的采用对坦桑尼亚消费平滑、贫困和人力资本投资的影响。我们利用移动货币代理网络在 2010 年至 2012 年间的快速扩张,并在仪器化的 DiD 方法中将其与降雨随时间和跨空间变化带来的特殊冲击相结合。我们发现收养家庭能够在冲击期间平稳消费并保持对人力资本的投资。关于儿童时间使用和劳动力参与的结果补充了关于移动货币在贫困代际传递中的重要作用的研究结果。