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Amid Boko Haram's persistence, an increasingly specialized literature emerges - Hilary Matfess, Women and the War on Boko Haram: wives, weapons, witnesses. London: Zed Books (pb £14.99 – 978 1 78699 145 4). 2017, 270 pp. - Scott MacEachern, Searching for Boko Haram: a history of violence in Central Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press (hb £21.99 – 978 0 19 049252 6). 2018, 248 pp. - Abdulbasit Kassim and Michael Nwankpa (eds), The Boko Haram Reader: from Nigerian preachers to the Islamic State. London: Hurst (pb £25 – 978 1 84904 884 2). 2018, 384 pp.
Africa ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972019000160
Alexander Thurston

either a siyasa or a tarbiyya orientation. The concepts of the modern and of the nation state, which are at work in Vaughan’s book, also play a key role here, but with different implications. The modern is an object of criticism, a source of inspiration, and an arena in which diverse opportunities – some of which are threatening to previous reformers – unceasingly emerge. The nation state, in contrast, appears as the stable political frame that provides context to reformist messages, even as they connect with the international forces of Islam that spring from places such as Iran, Saudi Arabia or Libya. In Loimeier’s account, the Nigerian story is thus that of a succession of Islamic reform movements, the earliest of which are all Sufi – with a genealogical origin that goes back to the years of the Sokoto Caliphate, in the pre-modern nineteenth century. The reform movement of yesterday becomes the established doctrine of today, which is assailed by new reform movements. Moreover, with the expansive technologies of modernity – from the radio to the CD to the internet – the reach and contents of the reform messages change and adapt, and new agents of reformism arise and often (though not always) displace former leaders. Loimeier does not contend this, but it emerges from his descriptions that older reformism – including the important ‘Salafi-minded’ Yan Izala – was more tarbiyya-oriented while the more recent type, culminating with Boko Haram, has tended to be more siyasa-oriented. This is the least convincing aspect of a chapter that manages to cover immense ground – sometimes dizzyingly – in a short space, and it is a consequence of Loimeier’s attempt to provide a simple reading grid for a complex reality. Niger is treated as a coda to the Nigerian study, but Loimeier – who never conducted fieldwork there – is on surer footing in the case of Nigeria. Readers primarily interested in making sense of the Nigerian quandary may skip the other chapters in Loimeier’s book – although they might provide a wider empirical perspective for the issues discussed and analysed in the Nigerian chapter – but they must read the introductory and concluding essays. Taken together, these essays and the chapter on Nigeria provide a solid theoretical and empirical grounding from which to evaluate the claims made by Vaughan, Kendhammer and Thurston.


在博科圣地的坚持中,出现了越来越专业的文学作品——希拉里·马特费斯,《女性与博科圣地战争:妻子、武器、证人》。伦敦:Zed Books(14.99 英镑 – 978 1 78699 145 4)。2017 年,270 页。 - Scott MacEachern,寻找博科圣地:中部非洲的暴力史。牛津:牛津大学出版社(hb £21.99 – 978 0 19 049252 6)。2018 年,248 页 - Abdulbasit Kassim 和 Michael Nwankpa(编辑),博科圣地读者:从尼日利亚传教士到伊斯兰国。伦敦:赫斯特(25 英镑 – 978 1 84904 884 2)。2018 年,第 384 页。

无论是 siyasa 还是 tarbiyya 方向。在沃恩的书中起作用的现代和民族国家的概念在这里也发挥了关键作用,但具有不同的含义。现代是批评的对象、灵感的源泉,也是不断涌现的各种机会——其中一些对前任改革者构成威胁的舞台。相比之下,民族国家似乎是一个稳定的政治框架,为改革主义信息提供了背景,即使它们与源自伊朗、沙特阿拉伯或利比亚等地的伊斯兰国际力量相联系。在 Loimeier 的描述中,尼日利亚的故事因此是一系列伊斯兰改革运动的故事,其中最早的都是苏菲派——其谱系起源可以追溯到索科托哈里发时期,在前现代的十九世纪。昨天的改革运动成为今天的既定教义,受到新的改革运动的攻击。此外,随着现代技术的广泛应用——从广播到 CD 再到互联网——改革信息的范围和内容发生了变化和适应,新的改革主义代理人出现并经常(尽管并不总是)取代前领导人。Loimeier 并不反对这一点,但从他的描述中可以看出,较早的改良主义——包括重要的“具有萨拉菲思想”的 Yan Izala——更倾向于 tarbiyya,而最近的类型,以博科圣地为顶点,往往更倾向于 siyasa-面向。这是一个章节中最没有说服力的方面,它设法在很短的空间内覆盖了广阔的领域——有时令人眼花缭乱,这是 Loimeier 试图为复杂的现实提供一个简单的阅读网格的结果。尼日尔被视为尼日利亚研究的尾声,但从未在那里进行过实地考察的洛迈耶在尼日利亚的案例中站稳了脚跟。主要对理解尼日利亚困境感兴趣的读者可以跳过 Loimeier 书中的其他章节——尽管它们可能为尼日利亚章节中讨论和分析的问题提供更广泛的经验视角——但他们必须阅读介绍性文章和结论性文章。总之,这些文章和关于尼日利亚的章节提供了坚实的理论和经验基础,可以用来评估 Vaughan、Kendhammer 和 Thurston 的主张。但从未在那里进行过实地考察的 Loimeier 在尼日利亚的案例中站稳了脚跟。主要对理解尼日利亚困境感兴趣的读者可以跳过 Loimeier 书中的其他章节——尽管它们可能为尼日利亚章节中讨论和分析的问题提供更广泛的经验视角——但他们必须阅读介绍性文章和结论性文章。总之,这些文章和关于尼日利亚的章节提供了坚实的理论和经验基础,可以用来评估 Vaughan、Kendhammer 和 Thurston 的主张。但从未在那里进行过实地考察的 Loimeier 在尼日利亚的案例中站稳了脚跟。主要对理解尼日利亚困境感兴趣的读者可以跳过 Loimeier 书中的其他章节——尽管它们可能为尼日利亚章节中讨论和分析的问题提供更广泛的经验视角——但他们必须阅读介绍性文章和结论性文章。总之,这些文章和关于尼日利亚的章节提供了坚实的理论和经验基础,可以用来评估 Vaughan、Kendhammer 和 Thurston 的主张。主要对理解尼日利亚困境感兴趣的读者可以跳过 Loimeier 书中的其他章节——尽管它们可能为尼日利亚章节中讨论和分析的问题提供更广泛的经验视角——但他们必须阅读介绍性文章和结论性文章。总之,这些文章和关于尼日利亚的章节提供了坚实的理论和经验基础,可以用来评估 Vaughan、Kendhammer 和 Thurston 的主张。主要对理解尼日利亚困境感兴趣的读者可以跳过 Loimeier 书中的其他章节——尽管它们可能为尼日利亚章节中讨论和分析的问题提供更广泛的经验视角——但他们必须阅读介绍性文章和结论性文章。总之,这些文章和关于尼日利亚的章节提供了坚实的理论和经验基础,可以用来评估 Vaughan、Kendhammer 和 Thurston 的主张。