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Google LLC v. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL)
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2020.5
Monika Zalnieriute

InGoogle LLC v. Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU or Court) held that the EU law only requires valid “right to be forgotten” de-referencing requests to be carried out by a search engine operator on search engine versions accessible in EU member states, as opposed to all versions of its search engine worldwide. While the ruling has been perceived as a “win” for Google and other interveners, such as Microsoft and the Wikimedia Foundation, who argued against worldwide de-referencing, the Court also made clear that that while the EU law does not currently require worldwide de-referencing, “it also does not prohibit such a practice” (para. 72). As a result, the CJEU found that an order by a national supervisory or judicial authority of an EU member state requiring worldwide de-referencing in accordance with its own national data protection laws would not be inconsistent with EU law where the data subject's right to privacy is adequately balanced against the right to freedom of information. By leaving the door to extraterritorial de-referencing wide open, the CJEU continues to pursue its post-Snowden hard-line stance on data privacy in a manner that is likely to transform the data privacy landscape.


Google LLC 诉国家信息与自由委员会 (CNIL)

Google LLC 诉国家信息与自由委员会 (CNIL),欧盟法院(CJEU 或法院)认为,欧盟法律只要求搜索引擎运营商对欧盟成员国可访问的搜索引擎版本执行有效的“被遗忘权”取消引用请求,而不是其全球搜索引擎的所有版本。虽然该裁决被认为是谷歌和其他干预者(例如微软和维基媒体基金会)的“胜利”,他们反对全球取消引用,但法院也明确表示,虽然欧盟法律目前并不要求全球范围内取消引用。 - 引用,“它也不禁止这种做法”(第 72 段)。因此,CJEU 认为,欧盟成员国的国家监督或司法当局要求根据其本国数据保护法在全球范围内取消引用的命令不会与欧盟法律不一致,前提是数据主体的隐私权与信息自由权。通过为域外取消引用敞开大门,CJEU 继续以可能改变数据隐私格局的方式追求其后斯诺登后数据隐私的强硬立场。