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Fault-Resilient Continuum Deformation Coordination
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.1109/tcns.2020.3028021
Hossein Rastgoftar

This article offers a physics-based automation with two operation modes: 1) homogeneous deformation mode (HDM) and 2) containment exclusion mode (CEM), to safely plan a large-scale group coordination and resiliently recover safety in the presence of unpredicted agent failures. HDM becomes active when all agents are healthy, where the group coordination is defined by homogeneous transformation coordination functions. At HDM, a desired n-D homogeneous transformation (n = 2, 3) is uniquely related to the desired trajectories of n + 1 leaders and acquired by the remaining followers in real-time through local communication. At CEM, agent coordination is treated as an ideal fluid flow, where the desired agents' paths are defined along stream lines inspired by fluid flow field theory to circumvent exclusion spaces surrounding failed agent(s). This article formally specifies the transitions between the HDM and CEM by using local proximity and applying the continuum deformation properties. More specifically, local proximity is used by agents to define interagent communication in an unsupervised fashion once they recover safety and HDM is activated. On the other hand, properties of homogeneous transformation are applied to quickly detect each arising anomalous situation and exclude failed agent(s) from group coordination of healthy agents.



本文提供了一种基于物理的自动化,具有两种操作模式:1)均匀变形模式(HDM)和2)遏制排除模式(CEM),以安全地规划大规模群体协调并在存在不可预测的代理的情况下弹性恢复安全性失败。当所有智能体都健康时,HDM 就会变得活跃,其中组协调由同质转换协调函数定义。在 HDM 中,所需的 nD 齐次变换 (n = 2, 3) 与 n + 1 个领导者的所需轨迹唯一相关,并由其余追随者通过本地通信实时获取。在 CEM 中,代理协调被视为理想的流体流动,其中所需代理的路径是沿着受流体流场理论启发的流线定义的,以规避失败代理周围的排除空间。本文通过使用局部邻近度并应用连续体变形属性,正式指定了 HDM 和 CEM 之间的转换。更具体地说,一旦代理恢复安全并且激活了 HDM,代理就会使用本地邻近性以无监督的方式定义代理间通信。另一方面,应用同质变换的特性来快速检测每个出现的异常情况,并将失败的智能体从健康智能体的组协调中排除。