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A Buried Middle Archaic Site in the Tucson Basin
KIVA ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00231940.2020.1871256
Bruce B. Huckell 1 , Joseph M. Birkmann 1 , C. Vance Haynes 2

Despite great gains in knowledge about the Late Archaic/Early Agricultural period in the Tucson Basin, understanding of the Middle Archaic period remains slim. This paper reports on volunteer investigations at three buried Archaic sites within the Santa Cruz River floodplain: the Joe Ben Site (AZ BB:13:11), AZ BB:13:70, and an unnumbered locus north of the latter. The AZ BB:13:70 artifact assemblage and the Joe Ben site records suggest small-scale, short-term, repeated use of this portion of the Santa Cruz floodplain and the Santa Rita bajada by foragers between 4200 and 5100 BP, continuing into the Late Archaic/Early Agricultural period. Though assumed to be absent within the southern Southwest during the Middle and Late Holocene, the skull of a juvenile bison at AZ BB:13:70 and post-cranial bison bones at the unnumbered locus indicate their sporadic presence within the Tucson Basin during this period and their occasional exploitation by Middle Archaic hunters.



尽管对图森盆地的晚期古/早期农业时期有了很多了解,但对中古时期的了解仍然很少。本文报道了在圣克鲁斯河泛滥平原内三个古遗址进行的志愿者调查:乔本遗址(AZ BB:13:11),AZ BB:13:70和后者以北的未编号场所。AZ BB:13:70人工制品组合和Joe Ben的现场记录表明,4200至5100 BP之间的觅食者对圣克鲁斯河漫滩和圣塔丽塔巴哈达的这一部分进行了小型,短期,反复的使用,并持续到晚古/早期农业时期。尽管假设在全新世中期和晚晚期西南西南部不存在,但在AZ BB:13时,一只幼年野牛的头骨:
