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Coaches’ perceptions of sport education: A response to precarity through a pedagogy of affect
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2021.1891211
Luis Miguel García López 1 , David Kirk 2



The aim of this study was to investigate coaches’ perceptions of using sport education (SE) for the first time with socially vulnerable children in order to explore its suitability for equipping young people living in precarity with the skills they need to take positive action to challenge their socially vulnerable backgrounds. In doing so, we want to explore what experiences of learning to use SE these coaches had and what their perspectives of the children’s learning were.

Settings and participants

The study developed in a community-based program in three economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods with high rates of delinquency in a city in Central Spain. The programme is run by a non-governmental organization and is funded by several public institutions and private donations. The study included three youth workers who acted as coaches and 31 nine- to eleven-year-olds from different ethnic groups.


The SE season comprised 36 one-hour sessions which included an introduction to SE and the activity called ringo (two lessons), a pre-season (14 lessons), a season (18 lessons) and culminating event preparation and celebration (two lessons). Ringo is a net game, which was chosen to improve participation.

Data collection/analysis

Four focus groups were conducted with the coaches and an open analysis format was followed, using open-ended questions. The first author also kept a diary of his experience as a participant observer, including field notes and participation in focus groups. The data were transcribed verbatim and analysed through thematic analysis.


Three major results were found. First, although coaches perceived that sport had a great potential for children to get several benefits, the quality of the pedagogical strategies they used to implement before the study did not allow them to reach those benefits. Second, SE gave the coaches the possibility to enact an ethic of care with participant children; emotional labour played a key role in that process, allowing coaches to care both for children and for themselves. Third, coaches appreciated how SE features, especially competition, teams, festivity, and the culminating event, favoured motivation and engagement, what improved behaviour and the assumption of roles responsibilities.


Sport per se is not enough to teach ethical conduct. However, a quality programme which exposes young people to the stimuli they need, and efficient physical educators who can develop the programme properly and with a coherent attitude are necessary. Pre-service education for any future professional working with youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds (teachers, coaches, youth workers) should consider the need of teaching pedagogies of affect like SE as well as the development of an ethic of care and emotional labour.





本研究的目的是调查教练对首次对社会弱势儿童使用运动教育 (SE) 的看法,以探索其是否适合为生活在不稳定中的年轻人提供采取积极行动挑战所需的技能。他们的社会弱势背景。在此过程中,我们想探索这些教练在学习使用 SE 方面的经验以及他们对孩子学习的看法。


该研究是在西班牙中部一个城市的三个犯罪率高的经济贫困社区的社区项目中开展的。该计划由一个非政府组织运营,并由多个公共机构和私人捐款资助。该研究包括三名担任教练的青年工人和来自不同种族的 31 名 9 至 11 岁的儿童。


SE 赛季包括 36 个一小时的课程,其中包括对 SE 的介绍和称为 ringo 的活动(两节课)、季前赛(14 节课)、一个赛季(18 节课)以及最终的活动准备和庆祝活动(两节课) . Ringo 是一款网络游戏,选择它是为了提高参与度。




发现了三个主要结果。首先,尽管教练们认为运动对孩子们有很大的潜力来获得一些好处,但他们在研究之前实施的教学策略的质量并没有让他们获得这些好处。其次,SE 让教练有可能对参与者的孩子制定关爱伦理;情绪劳动在这个过程中发挥了关键作用,让教练既能照顾孩子,也能照顾自己。第三,教练们赞赏 SE 的特点,特别是竞争、团队、节日和高潮事件,有利于激励和参与,哪些改进了行为和角色责任的承担。


体育本身不足以教授道德行为。然而,一个让年轻人接触到他们所需要的刺激的优质计划,以及能够以连贯的态度适当地开发该计划的高效体育教育者是必要的。任何与来自社会弱势背景的青年(教师、教练、青年工作者)一起工作的未来专业人员的职前教育都应考虑教授情感教育学(如 SE)的需要,以及培养关爱和情感劳动的道德规范。
