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What do unions do… with digital technologies? An affordance approach
New Technology, Work and Employment ( IF 4.182 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1111/ntwe.12187
Marc‐Antonin Hennebert 1 , Vincent Pasquier 1 , Christian Lévesque 1

This article examines the affordances that digital technologies offer to labour unions. The results of our study of 13 trade unions in Canada contrast with the prevailing techno-deterministic perspectives in the literature which describe digital technologies as fundamentally good, bad or neutral for unions. By adopting an affordance approach, our paper examines how union actors perceive digital technology utility and constraints across five union core functions. The study identifies four digital information and communication technology affordances for unions (visibility, intensification, aggregation and addressability) and contributes to the literature on union renewal by showing how these affordances interact in a complex way and can reinforce trade unions' capabilities.



本文研究了数字技术为工会提供的功能。我们对加拿大 13 个工会的研究结果与文献中盛行的技术决定论观点形成对比,这些观点将数字技术从根本上描述为工会的好、坏或中性。通过采用可供性方法,我们的论文研究了工会参与者如何看待五个工会核心职能的数字技术效用和限制。该研究确定了工会的四种数字信息和通信技术可供性(可见性、集约化、聚合和可寻址性),并通过展示这些可供性如何以复杂的方式相互作用以及如何加强工会的能力,为关于工会更新的文献做出贡献。