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A multitaxa assessment of the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes for biodiversity management [Agricultural Sciences]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2016038118
Fabian A Boetzl 1 , Jochen Krauss 2 , Jonathan Heinze 2 , Hannes Hoffmann 3 , Jan Juffa 2 , Sebastian König 2 , Elena Krimmer 2 , Maren Prante 2 , Emily A Martin 2, 4 , Andrea Holzschuh 2 , Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter 2

Agri-environmental schemes (AES) aim to restore biodiversity and biodiversity-mediated ecosystem services in landscapes impoverished by modern agriculture. However, a systematic, empirical evaluation of different AES types across multiple taxa and functional groups is missing. Within one orthogonal design, we studied sown flowering AES types with different temporal continuity, size, and landscape context and used calcareous grasslands as seminatural reference habitat. We measured species richness of 12 taxonomic groups (vascular plants, cicadas, orthopterans, bees, butterflies, moths, hoverflies, flower visiting beetles, parasitoid wasps, carabid beetles, staphylinid beetles, and birds) representing 5 trophic levels. A total of 54,955 specimens were identified using traditional taxonomic methods, and bulk arthropod samples were identified through DNA metabarcoding, resulting in a total of 1,077 and 2,110 taxa, respectively. Species richness of most taxonomic groups, as well as multidiversity and richness of pollinators, increased with temporal continuity of AES types. Some groups responded to size and landscape context, but multidiversity and richness of pollinators and natural enemies were not affected. AES flowering fields supported different species assemblages than calcareous grasslands, but assemblages became more similar to those in seminatural grasslands with increasing temporal continuity. Our results indicate that AES flowering fields and seminatural grasslands function synergistically. Flowering fields support biodiversity even when they are relatively small and in landscapes with few remaining seminatural habitats. We therefore recommend a network of smaller, temporally continuous AES flowering fields of different ages, combined with permanent seminatural grasslands, to maximize benefits for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service delivery in agricultural landscapes.



农业环境计划(AES)旨在恢复因现代农业而贫瘠的景观中的生物多样性和生物多样性介导的生态系统服务。然而,缺乏对跨多个分类群和功能组的不同 AES 类型的系统、实证评估。在一项正交设计中,我们研究了具有不同时间连续性、大小和景观背景的播种开花 AES 类型,并使用钙质草原作为半自然参考栖息地。我们测量了代表 5 个营养级的 12 个分类群(维管植物、蝉、直翅目、蜜蜂、蝴蝶、飞蛾、食蚜蝇、访花甲虫、寄生黄蜂、步甲甲虫、葡萄球菌甲虫和鸟类)的物种丰富度。使用传统分类学方法鉴定了总共 54,955 个标本,并通过 DNA 元条形码鉴定了大量节肢动物样本,分别产生了总共 1,077 个和 2,110 个类群。大多数分类群的物种丰富度以及传粉媒介的多样性和丰富度随着 AES 类型的时间连续性而增加。一些群体对规模和景观环境做出了反应,但传粉媒介和天敌的多样性和丰富性并未受到影响。与钙质草原相比,AES 花田支持不同的物种组合,但随着时间连续性的增加,组合变得与半自然草原中的物种更加相似。我们的结果表明 AES 花田和半自然草地具有协同作用。即使花田相对较小并且在几乎没有半自然栖息地的景观中,花田也能支持生物多样性。因此,我们建议建立一个由不同年龄的较小的、时间上连续的 AES 花田组成的网络,与永久的半自然草地相结合,以最大限度地提高农业景观中生物多样性保护和生态系统服务提供的效益。
