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Wind Energy flips to Open Access
Wind Energy ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1002/we.2632
Simon Watson

The Wind Energy journal has seen significant changes in the last couple of years. We now have Transparent Peer Review which we believe is a fairer and more open way of reviewing the manuscripts which we receive, and furthermore, the journal moved to Open Access as of the beginning of 2021. To further enhance the impact of our authors and to make their work more accessible, we also have an Open Data policy. These are exciting times for the journal with several new editors joining the team in the last couple of years. We now have ten editors covering the very large range of disciplines relevant to the field of wind energy. Every one of them is keen to help authors bring their excellent research to the wider wind energy community. We have also been refreshing our Editorial Board to ensure that we have a very broad range of experts who can help advise and guide the journal in the coming years.

With global installed capacity of around 700 GW and growing, wind energy is set to make a large contribution to decarbonising our energy systems. That figure will only continue to grow, and Europe in particular has seen a significant growth in offshore wind energy, which is starting to be repeated around the world, particularly in Asia. These developments present new scientific challenges as turbines become larger and greater demands are placed on them by network operators. The challenges are diverse including having a better understanding of the wind conditions, understanding how wind farms affect their environment, developing new materials, devising smart methods for wind farm control, innovating in turbine and foundation design, and finding ways to integrate ever larger amounts of wind power into networks. Disseminating wind energy research is important not only to the scientific community but also the industrial community if it is to have true societal impact. Open Access provides an ideal vehicle to do this and reach as wide an audience as possible. The Wind Energy journal is proud to be part of the Open Access community to facilitate wind energy's contribution to the energy transition. Wind Energy is the oldest journal dedicated to wind energy research and has established a reputation for publishing high quality research in its field. With the move to Open Access, now is an excellent time to get exposure for your research through this journal so that it has the best possible impact on the broader wind energy community.

The Wind Energy journal is keen to engage with the scientific community. With this in mind, we are excited to announce that we have teamed up with the North American Wind Energy Association/WindTech 2021 Conference and will be publishing selected articles from the conference in a special volume. We hope to have more special topic volumes in the future and would welcome your feedback on suitable topics.

On behalf of the Editorial Board of Wind Energy, I look forward to seeing your latest research appearing in the journal. We will do all we can to facilitate that, making sure it has the impact it deserves.


Simon Watson

Editor‐in‐Chief, Wind Energy




随着全球装机容量约700 GW的增长,风能必将为我们的能源系统脱碳做出巨大贡献。这个数字只会继续增长,尤其是欧洲的海上风能有了显着的增长,这种现象在世界各地,尤其是在亚洲已经开始重演。随着涡轮机变得越来越大,并且网络运营商对其提出了更高的要求,这些发展提出了新的科学挑战。挑战是多种多样的,包括更好地了解风况,了解风电场如何影响环境,开发新材料,设计用于风电场控制的智能方法,在涡轮机和基础设计方面进行创新以及寻找将越来越多的风电场集成的方法。风力发电进入网络。传播风能研究不仅对科学界很重要,而且对于要产生真正的社会影响,对工业界也很重要。开放获取提供了一种理想的工具,可以做到这一点并吸引尽可能多的受众。《风能》杂志很荣幸成为开放获取社区的一员,以促进风能对能源转型的贡献。风能是最古老的杂志致力于风能研究,并因在该领域发表高质量研究而享有声誉。随着向开放获取的转变,现在是通过该期刊获得您的研究成果的绝佳时机,从而对更广泛的风能社区产生最大的影响。

《风能》杂志热衷于与科学界互动。考虑到这一点,我们很高兴地宣布,我们已与北美风能协会/ WindTech 2021会议合作,并将特别出版该会议的精选文章。我们希望将来会有更多的特殊主题,欢迎您就合适的主题提出反馈。




