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Flood regime alters the abiotic correlates of riparian vegetation
Applied Vegetation Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12572
Kelly A. Steinberg 1, 2 , Kim D. Eichhorst 1 , Jennifer A. Rudgers 1

Predicting the influence of climate change on riparian plant communities improves management strategies. The sensitivity of riparian vegetation to climate and other abiotic factors depends on interactions between properties of the ecosystem, like flood regime, and plant characteristics. To explore these interactions, we addressed three questions: (a) does the composition and diversity of riparian vegetation vary with the flood regime; (b) do abiotic correlates of vegetation, including climate and groundwater, differ between sites that flood compared to locations that did not experience floods; and (c) which plant functional groups account for differential plant community sensitivity to abiotic factors between flood regimes?


