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State of the art report on stub girder flooring systems
Advances in Structural Engineering ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1369433221992484
Reza Masoudina 1

Stub girder flooring systems are a widely used system in modern steel buildings. This type of system is a composite flooring system consisting of a continuous steel beam and a reinforced concrete slab set apart by a series of short, and usually wide, flange parts known as stubs. While many studies and research have been conducted on this system in steel-concrete composite structures, comparable comprehensive research has not been done on Stub girder flooring system for timber construction. This study represents a review on stub girders, and focuses on experimental and analytical works in the area. Finally, pervious researches and experimental data about stub girder flooring system have been collected and summarized in a table format which has been listed parameters in the researches.



