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Stability and fragmentation versus demographic expansion: different phylogeographic patterns in closely related sympatric legumes (Senna) from arid and semi-arid zones of mid-latitude South America
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-04 , DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boab003
Federico O Robbiati 1, 2 , María J Nores 1, 2, 3 , Ana M Anton 1, 3 , Renée H Fortunato 3, 4, 5

This is the first comparative research in which phylogeographical patterns and present and palaeoclimatic distribution were investigated in desert plants that inhabit the Argentinian Monte and Chaco biogeographic provinces. We investigated two closely related and partially sympatric species of legume shrubs, Senna aphylla and Senna pachyrrhiza, to contribute to understand the evolutionary history of arid plants and the impact of Quaternary climatic oscillations in these regions. We carried out phylogeographic analyses using plastid DNA accD-psa1 and rpL32-trnL sequences and reconstructed palaeodistribution by ecological niche modelling (ENM). In S. aphylla, that inhabits northern areas of the Monte, the haplotype network, demographic and spatial analyses and ENM indicated that the populations have remained demographic and spatially stable and would have undergone fragmentation in intermountain valleys and bolsons. In S. pachyrrhiza, distributed mainly along the Monte and southwestern Dry Chaco, the haplotype network presented a ‘star-like’ topology and demographic analyses and ENM supported a recent demographic expansion but no range expansion. The species diversified c. 2.5 Mya, survived Quaternary glaciations and responded differently to climatic changes, complex topography and environmental heterogeneity. The complex geological and climatic history of arid lands in mid-latitude South America provides different scenarios that promoted a mosaic of phylogeographical patterns.



这是第一个比较研究,其中对栖息在阿根廷蒙特和查科生物地理省的沙漠植物进行了系统地理模式以及现在和古气候分布的调查。我们调查了豆科灌木的两种密切相关且部分同域的物种,番泻叶和番泻叶,以有助于了解干旱植物的进化历史以及这些地区第四纪气候振荡的影响。我们使用质体 DNA accD-psa1 和 rpL32-trnL 序列进行系统地理分析,并通过生态位模型 (ENM) 重建古分布。在居住在蒙特北部地区的 S. aphylla 中,单倍型网络,人口和空间分析和 ENM 表明,人口在人口和空间上保持稳定,并且会在山间山谷和 bolsons 经历分裂。在 S. pachyrrhiza 中,主要分布在 Monte 和 Dry Chaco 西南部,单倍型网络呈现“星状”拓扑和人口分析,ENM 支持最近的人口扩张,但没有范围扩张。物种多样化 C. 2.5 Mya,在第四纪冰川作用中幸存下来,并对气候变化、复杂的地形和环境异质性做出不同的反应。南美洲中纬度干旱地区复杂的地质和气候历史提供了不同的情景,促进了系统地理模式的镶嵌。主要分布在 Monte 和 Dry Chaco 西南部,单倍型网络呈现“星状”拓扑和人口统计分析,ENM 支持最近的人口扩张,但没有范围扩张。物种多样化 C. 2.5 Mya,在第四纪冰川作用中幸存下来,并对气候变化、复杂的地形和环境异质性做出不同的反应。南美洲中纬度干旱地区复杂的地质和气候历史提供了不同的情景,促进了系统地理模式的镶嵌。主要分布在 Monte 和 Dry Chaco 西南部,单倍型网络呈现“星状”拓扑和人口统计分析,ENM 支持最近的人口扩张,但没有范围扩张。物种多样化 C. 2.5 Mya,在第四纪冰川作用中幸存下来,并对气候变化、复杂的地形和环境异质性做出不同的反应。南美洲中纬度干旱地区复杂的地质和气候历史提供了不同的情景,促进了系统地理模式的镶嵌。在第四纪冰川作用中幸存下来,并对气候变化、复杂的地形和环境异质性做出不同的反应。南美洲中纬度干旱地区复杂的地质和气候历史提供了不同的情景,促进了系统地理模式的镶嵌。在第四纪冰川作用中幸存下来,并对气候变化、复杂的地形和环境异质性做出不同的反应。南美洲中纬度干旱地区复杂的地质和气候历史提供了不同的情景,促进了系统地理模式的镶嵌。