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Do Crop Rotations in Rice Reduce Weed and Echinochloa spp. Infestations? Recommendations for Integrated Weed Control
Agronomy ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11030454
Gabriel Pardo , Ana Isabel Marí , Joaquín Aibar , Alicia Cirujeda

The species belonging to the genus Echinochloa represent the main weeds in rice fields worldwide. Heavy soils are especially appropriate for this crop that is often grown in monoculture. A drought period in 2012 impeded farmers from sowing rice in some parts of the region of Aragon (northeastern Spain) and, unusually, they seeded alternative crops such as winter cereal, fescue (Festuca arundinacea), ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and lucerne (Medicago sativa). A total of 20 fields were selected, in which rice had been grown in monocrop until 2011 and several crop sequences were established afterwards; weed vegetation was recorded in spring, summer and autumn 2014-16 to find out if the crop rotations reduced weed infestations. Winter cereal and fescue were the crops with the highest soil cover; ryegrass and lucerne had difficulties in installation probably due to the heavy soil textures. Echinochloa spp. plants were found in the winter cereal stubble after having grown fescue for the previous two years and rice before that; in the forage fields, small plants of earing Echinochloa spp. adapted to mowing were detected. Recommendations for Integrated Weed Management that arise from the observations are ploughing the winter cereal stubble before seed shed of the emerged Echinochloa plants, assuring a high density of the forage crops, and efficient herbicide control in rice fields.



属于棘轮lo属的物种代表了全世界稻田中的主要杂草。重土尤其适合单种栽培的这种农作物。2012年的干旱时期使农民无法在阿拉贡地区(西班牙北部)的某些地区播种水稻,并且不同寻常的是,他们播种了替代作物,例如冬季谷物,羊茅(羊茅),黑麦草(黑麦草)和卢塞恩(紫花苜蓿)苜蓿)。总共选择了20个田地,其中水稻一直以单季种植的方式种植到2011年,此后又确定了几种作物的种植顺序。在2014-16年春季,夏季和秋季记录了杂草植被,以了解轮作是否减轻了杂草的侵扰。冬季谷物和羊茅是土壤覆盖率最高的作物。黑麦草和卢塞恩安装困难,可能是由于土壤质地较重。棘皮鱼属(Echinochloa spp。)前两年种植羊茅后,在冬季谷物残茬中发现了植物,而在此之前的稻米中发现了植物;在草料田里,小穗E的小植物spp。检测到适合修剪的。从这些观察中得出的综合杂草管理建议是,在新兴的chin植物的种子脱落之前,先耕种冬季谷物茬,确保草料作物的高密度,并在稻田中进行有效的除草剂控制。