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Human Mobility, COVID-19, and Policy Responses: The rights and Claims-Making of Migrant Domestic workers
Feminist Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2020.1849763
Smriti Rao 1 , Sarah Gammage 2 , Julia Arnold 3 , Elizabeth Anderson 4


This article aims to explore policy responses to the early phase of the COVID-19 crisis, with a particular focus on disparate outcomes for international migrant domestic workers (MDWs). Through an analysis of interviews conducted with health and humanitarian organizations and experts in key migration corridors, it surfaces the central role that MDWs play in social provisioning and in mediating care responsibilities between the state and the family, particularly during lockdown and shelter-in place orders, and calls attention to the essential but excluded nature of migrant labor. The study investigates how states’ responses to COVID-19 intersected with existing institutions of social provisioning and immigration laws, and with claims-making by MDWs to shape the impact of this crisis upon the well-being of these workers. It emphasizes that understanding what is happening to migrant care workers can help rebuild stronger, more effective social protection systems after the crisis.


  • Migrant domestic workers (MDWs) perform labor essential for social protection systems.

  • The COVID-19 crisis revealed their exclusion from those social protection systems.

  • Stronger pre-crisis social protection systems were more inclusive of MDWs.

  • Countries of origin largely failed to advocate for these workers during the crisis.

  • Claims-making by worker organizations emerged as workers’ main source of support.

  • Greater social protection for MDWs is a public health and human rights imperative.






  • 移民家庭工人(MDW)从事社会保护体系必不可少的劳动。

  • COVID-19危机表明他们被排除在那些社会保护体系之外。

  • 危机前更强大的社会保护体系更多地包括了MDW。

  • 在危机期间,原籍国基本上没有提倡这些工人。

  • 工人组织提出的要求成为工人主要的支持来源。

  • 对MDW加强社会保护是公共卫生和人权的当务之急。
