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A Pirouette with the Twist of a Wheelchair: Embodied Translation and the Creation of Kinesthetic Commensurability
American Anthropologist ( IF 3.139 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/aman.13539
Gili Hammer 1

The field of integrated dance brings together dancers with and without disabilities to create a novel art form. In dancing together, participants engage in a process of “translation” to interpret and enact movement, a practice I term embodied translation. This practice involves distilling a movement to its kinesthetic and expressive core, then exploring potential manifestations of those elements through various uses of space, objects, and bodies. Performed among people whose means and range of movement vary widely, embodied translation necessitates the recognition of multiple pathways toward shared expression, engendering a collective of kinesthetic multiplicities. Based on fieldwork with projects of integrated dance in Israel and the United States, I examine participants’ verbal, embodied, kinesthetic, and material means of translation, questioning whether translation can in fact produce commensurability among diverse bodies. [translation, disability, dance, embodied knowledge, anthropology of movement, nonhuman]



综合舞蹈领域将残疾和非残疾舞者聚集在一起,创造出一种新颖的艺术形式。在一起跳舞时,参与者参与了一个“翻译”的过程来解释和制定动作,我称之为具身翻译的实践. 这种做法涉及将运动提炼到其动觉和表现力的核心,然后通过空间、物体和身体的各种用途探索这些元素的潜在表现形式。在运动方式和范围差异很大的人群中进行表演,具身翻译需要识别通向共享表达的多种途径,从而产生一系列动觉多样性。基于对以色列和美国综合舞蹈项目的实地考察,我考察了参与者的语言、身体、动觉和物质翻译手段,质疑翻译是否真的可以在不同的身体之间产生可通约性。[翻译、残疾、舞蹈、具身知识、运动人类学、非人类]