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Segregation, fertility, and son preference: the case of the Roma in Serbia
Journal of Demographic Economics ( IF 0.793 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/dem.2020.8
Marianna Battaglia , Bastien Chabé-Ferret , Lara Lebedinski

We study the link between residential segregation and fertility for the socially excluded and marginalized Roma ethnic minority. Using original survey data we collected in Serbia, we investigate whether fertility differs between ethnically homogeneous and mixed neighborhoods. Our results show that Roma in less-segregated areas tend to have significantly fewer children (around 0.8). Most of the difference arises from Roma in less-segregated areas waiting substantially more after having a boy than their counterparts in more-segregated areas. We exploit variation in the share of Serbian sounding first names to provide evidence that a mechanism at play is a shift in preferences toward lower fertility and sons rather than daughters induced by a higher exposure to the Serbian majority culture.



我们研究了被社会排斥和边缘化的罗姆少数民族居住隔离与生育率之间的联系。使用我们在塞尔维亚收集的原始调查数据,我们调查种族同质和混合社区之间的生育率是否不同。我们的研究结果表明,在隔离程度较低的地区,罗姆人的孩子往往要少得多(大约 0.8 人)。大部分差异源于在隔离程度较低地区的罗姆人在生完男孩后的等待时间比在隔离程度更高的地区的罗姆人要多得多。我们利用塞尔维亚人听起来名字的份额的变化来提供证据,证明一种机制是由于更多地接触塞尔维亚多数文化而引起的对低生育率和儿子而不是女儿的偏好转变。