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Estimation of the Epicenter Position of Kamchatka Earthquakes
Pure and Applied Geophysics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02679-1
A. Schekotov , D. Chebrov , M. Hayakawa , G. Belyaev

In this article, we describe a method for predicting of the epicenter location region of Kamchatka and Commander earthquakes (EQs). It is based on the properties of the precursory atmospheric ULF/ELF (1–30 Hz) radiation and the spatial statistics of local EQs in relation to the Kuril-Kamchatka and Aleutian trenches. From this statistics, it follows that more than 90% of events with magnitude (ML) of more than 5 occur in the gap ~ 150 km west of the Kuril-Kamchatka trench and north-east of the Aleutian trench. Additionally, we obtain the approximate location of the epicenter by determining the position of the radiation source. We suppose that it is caused by gas eruption from the hearth of the EQ to the trench and has the nearest location to the EQ epicenter. Further, we obtain other parameters of supposed position of the epicenter from spatial statistics of EQs relative to the projection of radiation source, which approximately coincides with gas emanation area in the ocean surface. The main drawbacks of the method are the dependence of its accuracy on the industrial interferences and the ambiguity of determining the epicenter location in the case of single-point registration of radiation when the main lobe of the azimuthal distribution of radiation crosses both trenches.



在本文中,我们描述了一种预测堪察加地震和指挥官地震(EQs)震中位置区域的方法。它基于前兆大气ULF / ELF(1–30 Hz)辐射的特性以及与Kuril-Kamchatka和Aleutian relation沟有关的局部EQs的空间统计。从该统计数据可以得出,超过90%的事件具有幅度(M L超过5个)发生在千岛-堪察加海沟以西150公里处和阿留申海沟东北部的缝隙中。此外,我们通过确定辐射源的位置来获得震中的大致位置。我们认为这是由于气体从均衡器的炉膛喷涌到沟渠引起的,并且位置最接近均衡器震中。此外,我们从相对于辐射源投影的EQs的空间统计数据中获得震中假想位置的其他参数,该参数与海洋表面的气体排放面积大致重合。
