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Shell beads from Mississippian sites in the northern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi
Southeastern Archaeology Pub Date : 2018-02-22 , DOI: 10.1080/0734578x.2018.1440464
John M. Connaway 1

ABSTRACT In this paper, which focuses on the Mississippian period in the northern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi, I present some interesting findings from research done over the past century. In this area, most shell beads come from surface collections, or from excavated burials in cemeteries or ossuaries. Burial styles include extended, flexed, semi-flexed, and bundles, with very few cremations having been encountered. Bead burials also seem to reflect both common and elite people, and there are some interesting discoveries concerning association of shell beads. I will use 33 archaeologically investigated major sites as examples to illustrate an unexpected paucity of shell beads and other shell ornaments at some of the most heavily populated Mississippian sites in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Two other sites with shell beads in the uplands will be used for comparison.



摘要 在这篇论文中,我着重于密西西比州亚祖盆地北部的密西西比时期,介绍了过去一个世纪所做研究的一些有趣发现。在该地区,大多数贝壳珠来自地表收藏,或来自墓地或骨库中挖掘出的墓葬。埋葬方式包括延长的、弯曲的、半弯曲的和成束的,很少遇到火葬。珠葬似乎也反映了普通人和精英,并且有一些关于贝珠关联的有趣发现。我将使用 33 个经过考古调查的主要遗址作为例子来说明在下密西西比河谷的一些人口最稠密的密西西比遗址中,贝壳珠子和其他贝壳饰品出人意料地稀少。