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The age of the Dalton culture: a Bayesian analysis of the radiocarbon data
Southeastern Archaeology Pub Date : 2019-01-11 , DOI: 10.1080/0734578x.2018.1564643
David K. Thulman 1

ABSTRACT Since a radiocarbon chronology of the Dalton culture in the Southeast was first proposed, several new sites have been dated. I propose a new chronology based on radiocarbon dates from sites in the Dalton Heartland and its eastern periphery using Bayesian statistical models in OxCal and an analysis of the associated diagnostic projectile points. The analyses indicate that the Dalton culture probably evolved from the Clovis or Gainey phenomena about 12,680 cal BP (ca. 10,700 BP) and lasted at least until ca. 10,400 cal BP (ca. 9,200 BP), if not several centuries later. I propose early and late Dalton phases that follow changes in how Dalton points were made and resharpened. It appears that the people living to the east of the Heartland followed a different trajectory of projectile point evolution. There, notched points appear about 11,500 cal BP, while in the Heartland, true notched points do not appear in large numbers until the Graham Cave point over 2,000 years later. The chronologies demonstrate that early, coeval, region-wide cultural changes may not have been the norm. They also raise interesting questions about how people in the Heartland and its eastern periphery interacted.



摘要自从东南部道尔顿文化的放射性碳年代学首次被提出以来,几个新的地点已经被确定了年代。我使用 OxCal 中的贝叶斯统计模型和对相关诊断射弹点的分析,基于道尔顿中心地带及其东部外围地区的放射性碳日期提出了一个新的年表。分析表明,道尔顿文化可能是从大约 12,680 cal BP (ca. 10,700 BP) 的 Clovis 或 Gainey 现象演变而来的,并且至少持续到了大约 1000 年。10,400 cal BP (ca. 9,200 BP),如果不是几个世纪之后。我建议早期和晚期道尔顿阶段,这些阶段遵循道尔顿点的制作和重新锐化方式的变化。生活在中心地带以东的人们似乎遵循了不同的射弹点进化轨迹。在那里,缺口点出现在 11 点左右,500 cal BP,而在中心地带,真正的缺口点直到 2,000 多年后的 Graham Cave 点才大量出现。年表表明早期的、同时期的、区域范围的文化变化可能不是常态。他们还提出了有关中心地带及其东部外围地区的人们如何互动的有趣问题。