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An experimental study of bean and maize burning to interpret evidence from Stillhouse Hollow Cave in western North Carolina
Southeastern Archaeology Pub Date : 2019-05-23 , DOI: 10.1080/0734578x.2019.1616275
Thomas R. Whyte 1

ABSTRACT Test excavations in a small rockshelter in the mountains of North Carolina uncovered remains of a hearth containing carbonized twigs, maize kernels, bean cotyledons, animal bone, and the fragments of a single ceramic vessel dating to approximately AD 1350. Experiments in carbonization of maize kernels and beans and involving fire-extinguishing conditions indicate that the burnt seeds recovered from the hearth were probably dry when burned, that the fire may have been smothered or doused, and that the remains may represent an offering of dry seeds, rather than food refuse, similar to that observed historically among the Cherokee.



摘要 在北卡罗来纳州山区的一个小岩石避难所中进行的测试挖掘发现了一个炉膛的残骸,其中包含碳化的树枝、玉米粒、豆子叶、动物骨头,以及可追溯到大约公元 1350 年的单个陶瓷容器的碎片。 玉米碳化实验谷粒和豆类以及涉及灭火条件表明,从炉膛中回收的燃烧种子在燃烧时可能是干的,火可能已经被窒息或浇灭,并且残骸可能代表干种子的祭品,而不是食物垃圾,类似于切诺基人历史上观察到的情况。