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Intentional Practice as a Method to Reduce the Implementation Gap Between Science and Practice in the Delivery of Trauma-Informed Residential Care
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth Pub Date : 2019-07-12 , DOI: 10.1080/0886571x.2019.1633985
Ivan Raymond 1

ABSTRACT Children and young people with backgrounds of trauma, and supported in residential programs (group care, residential treatment, wilderness therapy, and outdoor behavioral healthcare), require interventions underpinned by trauma-informed science. While there is much optimism that trauma-informed services are being integrated into residential care settings, there is evidence of a science to practice gap in how these components are implemented across real-world settings. The purpose of the paper is to introduce ‘intentional practice’ and growth-focused logic modeling (Life Buoyancy Model; LBM) as a possible method to strengthen the delivery of trauma-informed services at the program level. The paper provides an overview of the modeling and describes how the approach seeks to reduce the science to practice gap in the implementation of trauma-informed service delivery. To aid this process, five core intervention components are proposed to provide a more nuanced understanding of how trauma-informed practice can be implemented. Key considerations are offered for residential care program leaders and program developers to design, refine or review the delivery of locally contextualized program models.



摘要具有创伤背景的儿童和年轻人,并在住宿计划(团体护理,住宿治疗,荒野疗法和户外行为保健)的支持下,需要以了解创伤的科学为基础的干预措施。尽管人们非常乐观地将创伤知情服务整合到了院所护理环境中,但有证据表明,在实践中如何在实践中实现这些要素方面存在差距,这是一门科学的科学证据。本文的目的是介绍“有意识的实践”和以增长为重点的逻辑建模(生命浮力模型; LBM),作为在计划级别上加强创伤信息服务的提供的一种可能方法。本文提供了建模的概述,并描述了该方法如何设法减少在实施以创伤为依据的服务交付方面的实践中的差距。为了帮助这一过程,提出了五个核心干预措施组件,以使人们对如何实施创伤知情的实践有更细微的了解。为居家护理计划负责人和计划开发人员提供了主要考虑因素,以设计,完善或审查本地上下文化计划模型的交付。