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Editor’s Note
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0886571x.2020.1691370
Bethany Lee 1

Welcome to the 2020 volume of Residential Treatment for Children & Youth! The journal seeks to provide 20/20 vision on the field of therapeutic residential care with every issue, by presenting rigorous and relevant research that informs practice as well as practice innovations that can inspire research. The importance of global voices in this conversation cannot be overstated. To that end, the International Work group on Therapeutic Residential Care (TRC) convened a meeting in late 2019 in beautiful Oviedo, Spain. Over 30 researchers, practice leaders, and family advocates assembled from 14 countries to share their work and build a collective understanding of the needs, challenges, and opportunities of the field. Since its inception, this group has developed a consensus statement (2016; available via open access within this journal) on TRC now translated in Dutch, Spanish, Hebrew, Italian and Japanese and available in regional professional literatures. It was preceded by an edited review volume, Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: Developing Evidence Based Practice (2015). Stay tuned for more contributions from this group as well as the development of a web presence for therapeutic residential care research activities which will be hosted on the website for the Association for Children’s Residential Centers. The above participants from the TRC Working Group also served as presenters in a major all-Spain working conference convened by Professor Jorge Fernandez del Valle, Professor of Psychosocial Intervention at the University of Oviedo: The Future of Residential Care in Child Protection: Addressing Therapeutic Needs – Addressing Quality and Best Practices in International Perspective. Presentations from the conference can be found at: www.grupogifi.com. Over 250 delegates from practice, administration and policy participated in the conference.* In this issue, several topics of central importance to therapeutic residential care are studied. First, Dr. Schnur and colleagues present results from a survey to members of the Association of Children’s Residential Centers (ACRC) on the prevalence of youth in residential programs who have experienced sexual exploitation as well as the specialized interventions and treatment considerations being implemented. This is an area of growing concern and where research and practice must collaborate to yield effective treatments for young people. Following on the idea of a research-to-practice gap, Dr. Raymond, an Australian psychologist and researcher, proposes a model for closing this gap for trauma-informed practice. Although trauma awareness has increased in the field, more work is still needed to implement trauma-responsive care in every facet of residential programming. Considering that youth most commonly return to their family following residential treatment, family perspectives are always important for enhancing residential programs. Dr. Sunseri’s study assesses the relationship between family functioning and youth treatment outcomes. His results suggest that investing efforts in improving family functioning for a youth in care can increase the likelihood of a youth’s successful discharge from residential treatment. Finally, Dr. Preyde and her colleagues present findings about post-discharge functioning of youth one year after leaving a Canadian residential program. Their paper considers the voices not just of the youth but also their RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH 2020, VOL. 37, NO. 1, 1–2 https://doi.org/10.1080/0886571X.2020.1691370



欢迎阅读2020年的《针对儿童和青少年的住院治疗》卷!该期刊旨在通过发表严谨的相关研究为实践提供指导,并通过实践创新来激发研究成果,以期在每期《理疗护理》领域提供20/20的愿景。在这次对话中,全球声音的重要性不可低估。为此,国际住院治疗护理工作组(TRC)于2019年底在西班牙美丽的奥维耶多召开了一次会议。来自14个国家/地区的30多位研究人员,实践负责人和家庭倡导者汇聚一堂,分享他们的工作,并对该领域的需求,挑战和机遇建立了共识。自成立以来,该小组已经制定了共识声明(2016; 可以通过荷兰语,西班牙语,希伯来语,意大利语和日语翻译成TRC上的TRC,现在可以在区域专业文献中找到。在此之前,编辑过的评论卷《儿童和青少年治疗性居所护理:发展循证实践》(2015年)。请继续关注该小组的更多贡献,以及开发用于治疗性居家护理研究活动的网站,该活动将在儿童住宿中心协会的网站上托管。TRC工作组的上述参与者还参加了由奥维耶多大学心理社会干预教授Jorge Fernandez del Valle教授召集的一次主要的全西班牙工作会议,会议的主题是:保护儿童的寄宿家庭的未来:满足治疗需求–在国际视野中解决质量和最佳实践。会议的演讲可以在以下网站找到:www.grupogifi.com。来自实践,行政和政策领域的250多名代表参加了会议。*在本期中,研究了对治疗性居家护理至关重要的几个主题。首先,Schnur博士及其同事向儿童住宿中心协会(ACRC)成员提供了一项调查结果,调查结果是青年人在接受性剥削的住宿项目中的患病率,以及正在实施的专门干预措施和治疗考虑因素。这是一个日益引起人们关注的领域,研究和实践必须合作以为年轻人提供有效的治疗方法。遵循研究与实践之间的鸿沟的想法,澳大利亚心理学家和研究人员雷蒙德博士提出了一种模型,以缩小这种在创伤知情的实践中的差距。尽管该领域对创伤的认识有所提高,但仍需要更多的工作来在住宅项目的各个方面实施对创伤做出反应的护理。考虑到青年人最常在接受住院治疗后重返家庭,因此,家庭观点对于加强住院治疗方案总是很重要的。Sunseri博士的研究评估了家庭功能与青年治疗结果之间的关系。他的研究结果表明,为改善年轻人的家庭功能而进行的努力可以增加年轻人成功接受住院治疗的可能性。最后,博士 Preyde和她的同事们介绍了有关离开加拿大居住计划一年后青年出院后功能的发现。他们的论文不仅考虑了年轻人的声音,还考虑了他们对2020年儿童与青年的住宅疗法的影响。37号 1,1–2 https://doi.org/10.1080/0886571X.2020.1691370