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An itinerary on Latin-American legal historiography
Comparative Legal History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/2049677x.2018.1469270
Abelardo Levaggi

It has been rightly said that the relationship between historians and the legal phenomena they study is not immutable and that the changes it experiences through successive periods in different regions triggers in legal historians the need to identify various conceptions about law, this being the main object of study. The mission of the history of legal historiography will therefore be to ensure that the works of legal historians are not interpreted with current criteria and hence recover their original meaning, being restored to a structure formed at least by philosophical-juridical ideas; historical-juridical theories; and the essential features of the political, economic, and social reality of that given moment. In this paper I will try to approach that mission. I will only try to get closer, since I will only be able to sketch some of those conceptions. I will try to delineate the periods in which Latin-American legal historiography can be divided and grouped. Further, I will highlight authors for each of those periods within the jurisdictions that offer more studies in this field. Many scholars, however, will necessarily not find a place in this account. Such omissions are a result of a lack of information and of the need to offer, in this exposé, a general, non-exhaustive overview of the topic. Hence, such omissions are far from being ill-intentioned. I also point that – this time in a deliberate manner – I will only refer to legal historians that are no longer active in the field. References to active scholars will be only in general terms. History shows that four factors influenced the development of Latin-American historiography beyond individual initiatives. These factors are the establishment of legal history chairs, the creation of specialized scientific institutes, the emergence of legal history journals, and the organization of congresses, conferences, and symposia in the field. These factors will be considered throughout this brief account. History also shows that the current paradigm of this field of study is not absolutely novel since it is the result of a progressive gestation. It is worth dividing this brief account into periods, even when being aware that the boundaries will be imprecise and differ between jurisdictions. Five periods can be identified: embryonic, positivist-sociological, scientific consolidation, institutionalist, and social legal history. It should be further noted that across these periods scholars were inclined either towards dogmatism or towards general history.


