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Emotion and gesture effects on narrative recall in young children and adults
Applied Cognitive Psychology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1002/acp.3815
Daniel Guilbert 1, 2 , Naomi Sweller 1, 2 , Penny Van Bergen 2, 3

Research with children and adults suggests verbal references to negative emotion support narrative recall. To date, however, the effects of gesture on emotion recall have been ignored. Children (4–6 years) and adults viewed videos containing negatively valenced, positively valenced, and emotionally neutral stories. The narrator provided gestures reflecting the bodily state of the protagonist (negative emotion, positive emotion or neutral state), the main story event, or no gestures. Children and adults recalled more negative emotions than positive emotions or neutral states. For children, state gestures facilitated state-related recall, and event gestures facilitated event-related recall. For adults, state gestures did not impact recall, whereas event gestures weakened recall. For both age groups, gesture's benefits remained consistent across emotional valence. Results suggest emotional valence is not critical in determining whether viewing gestures facilitates narrative recall, with important implications for deciding how and when to use gestures to best assist listeners' recall.



对儿童和成人的研究表明,负面情绪的口头提及支持叙事回忆。然而,迄今为止,手势对情绪回忆的影响一直被忽视。儿童(4-6 岁)和成人观看了包含负面评价、正面评价和情感中性故事的视频。叙述者提供了反映主角身体状态(消极情绪、积极情绪或中性状态)、主要故事事件或没有姿势的手势。儿童和成人回忆起消极情绪多于积极情绪或中性状态。对于儿童来说,状态手势促进了与状态相关的回忆,而事件手势促进了与事件相关的回忆。对于成年人来说,状态手势不会影响回忆,而事件手势会削弱回忆。对于两个年龄组,手势' s 的好处在情绪效价上保持一致。结果表明,情绪效价在确定观看手势是否促进叙事回忆方面并不重要,对于决定如何以及何时使用手势来最好地帮助听众回忆具有重要意义。