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Witnessing the Ward: On the Emotional Labor of Doing Hospital Ethnography
International Journal of Qualitative Methods ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1177/1609406921998919
Gabriela Capurro 1

This paper examines the emotional labor performed by researchers when undertaking ethnographic research in hospitals. Drawing on emotion work theory to situate emotions at the center of qualitative and interdisciplinary research, I provide a methodological reflection based on a 20-week long ethnography at a Canadian pediatric hospital I conducted in the context of a research project examining risk communication of antimicrobial resistance. I argue that the emotional labor in which hospital ethnographers engage starts long before the fieldwork and carries on throughout the project and into the data analysis and writing of results. I divide these instances of emotional labor into four categories: gaining and maintaining access to the field site, resolving ethical concerns, managing relations with participants, and witnessing human suffering. This paper addresses a gap in the literature regarding the various barriers that hospital ethnographers encounter as I reflect upon the challenges I faced and the emotional labor I intuitively engaged in and provide advice for researchers on how to navigate these barriers.



本文研究了在医院进行人种学研究时研究人员所进行的情感劳动。我以情感工作理论为基础,将情感置于定性和跨学科研究的中心,我根据我在一家加拿大儿科医院进行的为期20周的人种志研究,基于我在一项研究项目中对抗菌素耐药性风险沟通的研究,提出了一种方法学上的反思。 。我认为,医院民族志研究人员从事的情感工作是在田野调查之前就开始的,并且在整个项目中一直进行到数据分析和结果编写中。我将情绪劳动的这些实例分为四类:获得并保持访问现场的权限,解决道德问题,管理与参与者的关系以及目睹人类的苦难。
