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Effectiveness of filter gabions against slope failure due to heavy rainfall
Soils and Foundations ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2021.01.010
May Than Thar Cho , Anusron Chueasamat , Toshikazu Hori , Hirotaka Saito , Yuji Kohgo

Slope failures due to heavy rainfall events are phenomena that can cause serious damage to social infrastructures and the loss of lives. Based on previous studies, natural slope failures are generally shallow and originate at the slope toe where infiltrated rainwater has accumulated and saturated it. Hence, it is extremely important to prevent these initial failures from inducing entire slope failures. In the present study, firstly, 1 g model tests, called G series tests, were conducted. In the tests, a gabion filled with filter materials was placed at the slope toe of each model for reinforcement and to drain the accumulated rainwater from the slope toe. Filter gabions have been found to shrink the failure regions and to significantly extend the time until slope failures occur. The failure mechanism in the G series tests was almost similar to that in cases without filter gabions if focus was placed on the slope above the filter gabions. However, the drainage effect was small. Secondly, P series tests, in which a filter gabion with a pipe was introduced for each model, were conducted. The results of these tests indicated that the displacements significantly decreased as the diameter of the pipe and the depth of the pipe’s insertion to the surface layer increased. Water did not discharge through the pipe until the pore water pressure around the pipe reached positive values. The failures always started when a phreatic surface appeared on the slope surface. Thus, it is very important to prevent a phreatic surface from forming on the slope surface. The adequate arrangement of a filter gabion with a drainage pipe may increase the potential for slope stability.



由于暴雨造成的边坡破坏是可能严重破坏社会基础设施和造成人员伤亡的现象。根据以前的研究,自然的边坡破坏通常很浅,起源于已渗入的雨水已经积累并饱和的边坡脚趾。因此,防止这些初始故障引起整个斜坡故障非常重要。在本研究中,首先进行了1 g模型测试,称为G系列测试。在测试中,将装有过滤材料的格宾石放置在每个模型的坡脚趾上以进行加固,并从坡脚趾处排出积聚的雨水。已经发现滤网石笼缩小了失效区域,并大大延长了直到发生斜坡失效为止的时间。如果将重点放在过滤石笼上方的斜坡上,则G系列测试的失效机理几乎与没有过滤石笼的情况相似。但是,排水效果小。其次,进行了P系列测试,其中为每种型号引入了带有管子的滤网石笼。这些测试的结果表明,位移随着管子的直径和管子插入表面层的深度的增加而显着减小。直到管道周围的孔隙水压力达到正值时,水才通过管道排出。总是在坡面上出现潜水面时才开始发生故障。因此,防止在斜面上形成潜水面非常重要。
