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Identifying facial expressions in dogs: A replication and extension study
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2021.104371
Tina Bloom , Melissa Trevathan-Minnis , Nick Atlas , Douglas A. MacDonald , Harris L. Friedman

This study replicated and extended previous research (Bloom & Friedman, 2013) indicating that humans can correctly identify emotional expressions in photographs of dog faces when tested with one breed (i.e., a Malinois). It examined the effect of dog facial morphology on accuracy of emotion identification by using images of a Malinois, as well as two-different breeds (Doberman and Rhodesian Ridgeback) expressing six-discrete emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, surprise). Using a sample of 105-undergraduate students, participants were shown slides presenting four different expressive images of the same breed and asked to identify the image that best depicted one of the six emotions. Analyses indicated that participants were able to correctly identify all emotions across all dog breeds significantly better than chance, replicating the previous study for the Malinois, and extending its findings to additional breeds. Accuracy of emotion identification was predicted to be lower for the Doberman due to its darker coloration, possibly interfering with recognition of subtle emotional cues, but was found to be highest for the Malinois, followed by the Doberman, and then the Rhodesian Ridgeback.



该研究重复并扩展了先前的研究(Bloom&Friedman,2013),表明当用一种犬种(即玛利诺犬)进行测试时,人类可以正确识别狗脸照片中的情感表达。它通过使用玛利诺犬以及两个六种不同的品种(杜宾和罗得西亚里奇巴克)表达六种不同的情绪(幸福,悲伤,愤怒,恐惧,厌恶,惊奇)来检查狗的面部形态对情绪识别准确性的影响。 )。使用来自105名本科生的样本,向参与者展示了展示相同品种的四种不同表达图像的幻灯片,并要求他们确定最能描绘六种情感之一的图像。分析表明,参与者能够正确地识别所有犬种中的所有情绪,远胜于偶然性,复制之前关于Malinois的研究,并将其发现扩展到其他品种。据预测,由于杜宾犬的颜色较深,其情绪识别的准确性较低,可能会干扰对微妙的情绪线索的识别,但发现对玛利诺犬而言,其次是杜宾犬,其次是罗得西亚脊背龙。
