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Mercury in fish tissues in the area of Malachov Hg-ore deposit (Slovakia)
Environmental Geochemistry and Health ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-00861-x
Peter Andráš 1 , Jana Dadová 2 , Roman Romančík 3 , Daniela Borošová 4 , Pavol Midula 1 , Vojtech Dirner 1

The abandoned Malachov deposit belongs among the most important historic Hg deposits in the world. The soil, groundwater, surface water, plants, and animals are still heavily contaminated by potentially toxic elements such as As and Cd, but mainly by Hg. This article is focused on the Hg contamination of aquatic plants and animals in the Malachov creek. Mercury concentrations were measured in fresh water (on average 3 µg L−1), in the zoobenthos (on average 362.47 µg kg−1), and in the phytobenthos (on average 578.36 µg kg−1). Higher Hg concentrations were determined in the muscles of Salmo trutta morpha fario (on average 362.47 µg kg−1) and lower in Cottus poecilopus (on average 352.75 µg kg−1). The Hg concentrations were higher in the internal tissues (578.36–1185.75 µg kg−1) than in the muscles of the fish. The Hg content in fresh water exceeded Regulation of the Slovak Government No. 269/2010, which stipulates the criteria for achieving a proper water balance, but the Hg content in the fish muscles of both fish species was below the specified limit of the Food Code of Governmental Regulation of the Slovak Republic No. 608/3/2004–100. The Hg contamination in fishes is controlled by their weight and age. The presented data may be used as the base information for future studies in order to be able to estimate consumption recommendations and warnings.


Malachov 汞矿床(斯洛伐克)地区鱼类组织中的汞

废弃的 Malachov 矿床属于世界上最重要的历史汞矿床之一。土壤、地下水、地表水、植物和动物仍然受到砷和镉等潜在有毒元素的严重污染,但主要是汞。本文重点介绍马拉霍夫河水生植物和动物的汞污染。在淡水(平均 3 µg L -1)、底栖动物(平均 362.47 µg kg -1)和底栖植物(平均 578.36 µg kg -1)中测量汞浓度。Salmo trutta morpha fario的肌肉中测定的汞浓度较高(平均 362.47 µg kg -1),而Cottus poecilopus 中的汞浓度较低(平均 352.75 µg kg -1)。内部组织中的汞浓度 (578.36–1185.75 µg kg -1 ) 高于鱼肌肉中的汞浓度。淡水中的汞含量超过斯洛伐克政府第 269/2010 号规定,该规定规定了实现适当水平衡的标准,但两种鱼类的鱼肌肉中的汞含量低于食品法典的规定限度斯洛伐克共和国政府法规第608/3/2004-100 号。鱼类中的汞污染受其体重和年龄控制。所提供的数据可用作未来研究的基础信息,以便能够估计消费建议和警告。
