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Tainted bodies: scurvy, bad food and the reputation of the British National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–1904
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2019.05.006
Edward Armston-Sheret

Abstract This paper investigates scientific and public understandings of scurvy at the turn of the twentieth century in order to examine the cultural meanings attached to explorers' bodies. I analyse the medical and moral debates around outbreaks of scurvy on expeditions, the different and conflicting meanings attached to male explorers' bodies, and how these different understandings shaped the response to an outbreak of scurvy on the British National Antarctic Expedition (1901–1904). Scurvy, I demonstrate, could be rendered as an inevitable part of an explorer's heroic, masculine adventures, in narratives of suffering for science, or as a source of shame. How scurvy was represented depended, however, on where it occurred, what its causes were understood to be, and the motivations of those representing the scurvy outbreak on an expedition. More fundamentally, I suggest that these different representations of scurvy exposed underlying disagreements about the purpose of exploration and the relationship between suffering, heroism, science and national pride on British polar expeditions in the Edwardian era.



摘要 本文调查了 20 世纪之交的科学和公众对坏血病的理解,以检验附着在探险家身体上的文化意义。我分析了围绕探险中坏血病爆发的医学和道德辩论,男性探险家身体的不同和相互矛盾的含义,以及这些不同的理解如何影响对英国国家南极探险队(1901-1904)坏血病爆发的反应. 我证明,坏血病可以被渲染为探险家英勇冒险的不可避免的一部分,在科学受难的叙述中,或者作为耻辱的根源。然而,坏血病的表现方式取决于它发生的地点,其原因被理解为,以及代表远征中坏血病爆发的那些人的动机。更根本的是,我认为这些对坏血病的不同表述暴露了爱德华时代英国极地探险中关于探索目的以及苦难、英雄主义、科学和民族自豪感之间关系的潜在分歧。