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The activist as geographer: nonviolent direct action in Cold War Germany and postcolonial Ghana, 1959–1960
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2018.12.005
Christopher R. Hill

Abstract This article interprets nonviolent direct action campaigns against nuclear bases and tests as agents of alternative geopolitics in Cold War Germany and postcolonial Ghana. In doing so, it draws on the archives of the Direct Action Committee against Nuclear War, a British organisation, to illustrate how the activities and work of international activists entailed a repertoire of geographical skills and understanding. The activists engaged in networking to create confluences of international space, plotted logistics and maps to make practical and symbolic meanings out of the regions of the bases and tests, and through nonviolent direct action attempted to perform these as an alternative geopolitics to those of the Cold War and colonialism. Together, these processes are interpreted as part of a constructivist, spatial politics, where activists sought to shape and reshape international geographies by intervening in the relationship between space, war and peace. The more they progressed, the more the campaigns seemed to embody a separate set of socio-spatial relations by which German and Ghanaian geopolitics could be challenged and navigated. The article thus sheds light on campaign mobilisation as geography and views the spatial politics of nonviolence as a powerful paradigm in the contemporary history of international activism.



摘要 本文将针对核基地和核试验的非暴力直接行动解释为冷战德国和后殖民加纳的替代地缘政治的代理人。在此过程中,它利用英国组织反核战争直接行动委员会的档案来说明国际活动家的活动和工作如何需要一系列地理技能和理解。积极分子通过网络建立国际空间的汇合点,绘制物流和地图以从基地和测试区域中获得实际和象征意义,并通过非暴力直接行动试图将这些作为替代冷战的地缘政治来执行战争和殖民主义。总之,这些过程被解释为建构主义空间政治的一部分,活动家试图通过干预太空、战争与和平之间的关系来塑造和重塑国际地理。它们进展得越多,这些运动似乎就越能体现出一套单独的社会空间关系,德国和加纳的地缘政治可以通过这些关系来挑战和驾驭。因此,这篇文章阐明了作为地理的运动动员,并将非暴力的空间政治视为当代国际激进主义历史上的一个强大范式。