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From natural flow to ‘working river’: hydropower development, modernity and socio-territorial transformations in Lima's Rímac watershed
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2018.04.001
Lena Hommes , Rutgerd Boelens

Abstract By combining scholarship on modernity, urbanization and territory, this paper analyses how urban-based visions and ambitions have been realized in hydropower development and specific water access and control arrangements in the Rimac watershed in Lima, Peru. The discourses that sustained and promoted hydropower plant construction and associated development projects in the watershed are scrutinized, showing how the dream of conquering nature through engineers' technical skills was enmeshed with political agendas and visions of modernizing not only nature, but also people. Besides the historical analysis, the paper also explores how historical physical-ecological, legal, social and symbolic reconfigurations continue to shape hydrosocial relations between the city of Lima and the Rimac watershed. Analysing the current management of the watershed's highland lakes and community water use from the hydropower company's tunnels shows how the history of the Rimac is not a clear cut story of water deprivation but rather of complex, entangled, multidimensional relations and dependence. In the context of increasing pressure on water resources, the socio-territorial arrangements and the watershed's history itself are becoming matters of discussion.



摘要 本文结合现代性、城市化和领土方面的学术研究,分析了在秘鲁利马的 Rimac 流域的水电开发以及具体的取水和控制安排中如何实现基于城市的愿景和雄心。对维持和促进流域内水电站建设和相关开发项目的话语进行了审查,展示了通过工程师的技术技能征服自然的梦想如何与政治议程和不仅使自然而且使人现代化的愿景交织在一起。除了历史分析,本文还探讨了历史自然生态、法律、社会和象征性的重新配置如何继续塑造利马市和里马克流域之间的水社会关系。从水电公司的隧道分析流域高地湖泊和社区用水的当前管理表明,Rimac 的历史不是一个明确的缺水故事,而是复杂、纠缠、多维关系和依赖。在水资源压力越来越大的背景下,社会领土安排和流域的历史本身正在成为讨论的问题。