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Analyzing Confidentiality and Privacy Concerns: Insights from Android Issue Logs
arXiv - CS - Software Engineering Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: arxiv-2102.12566
Sherlock A. Licorish, Stephen G. MacDonell, Tony Clear

Context: Post-release user feedback plays an integral role in improving software quality and informing new features. Given its growing importance, feedback concerning security enhancements is particularly noteworthy. In considering the rapid uptake of Android we have examined the scale and severity of Android security threats as reported by its stakeholders. Objective: We systematically mine Android issue logs to derive insights into stakeholder perceptions and experiences in relation to certain Android security issues. Method: We employed contextual analysis techniques to study issues raised regarding confidentiality and privacy in the last three major Android releases, considering covariance of stakeholder comments, and the level of consistency in user preferences and priorities. Results: Confidentiality and privacy concerns varied in severity, and were most prevalent over Jelly Bean releases. Issues raised in regard to confidentiality related mostly to access, user credentials and permission management, while privacy concerns were mainly expressed about phone locking. Community users also expressed divergent preferences for new security features, ranging from more relaxed to very strict. Conclusion: Strategies that support continuous corrective measures for both old and new Android releases would likely maintain stakeholder confidence. An approach that provides users with basic default security settings, but with the power to configure additional security features if desired, would provide the best balance for Android's wide cohort of stakeholders.



背景信息:发布后的用户反馈在提高软件质量和通知新功能方面起着不可或缺的作用。鉴于其重要性越来越高,有关安全性增强的反馈特别值得注意。考虑到Android的快速普及,我们检查了利益相关者报告的Android安全威胁的规模和严重性。目标:我们系统地挖掘Android问题日志,以深入了解利益相关者对某些Android安全问题的看法和经验。方法:我们使用情境分析技术研究了最近三个主要Android版本中有关机密性和隐私的问题,同时考虑了利益相关者评论的协方差以及用户偏好和优先级的一致性水平。结果:机密性和隐私问题的严重程度各不相同,并且在Jelly Bean版本中最为普遍。有关机密性的问题主要与访问,用户凭证和权限管理有关,而对隐私的担忧主要表现在电话锁定方面。社区用户还对新的安全功能表示了不同的偏好,从更宽松到非常严格。结论:支持针对新旧Android版本的持续纠正措施的策略可能会保持利益相关者的信心。一种为用户提供基本默认安全设置,但有权根据需要配置其他安全功能的方法,将为Android广泛的利益相关者群体提供最佳的平衡。用户凭据和权限管理,而隐私方面的担忧主要体现在电话锁定方面。社区用户还对新的安全功能表示了不同的偏好,从更宽松到非常严格。结论:支持针对新旧Android版本的持续纠正措施的策略可能会保持利益相关者的信心。一种为用户提供基本默认安全设置,但有权根据需要配置其他安全功能的方法,将为Android广泛的利益相关者群体提供最佳的平衡。用户凭据和权限管理,而隐私方面的担忧主要体现在电话锁定方面。社区用户还对新的安全功能表示了不同的偏好,从更宽松到非常严格。结论:支持针对新旧Android版本的持续纠正措施的策略可能会保持利益相关者的信心。一种为用户提供基本默认安全设置,但有权根据需要配置其他安全功能的方法,将为Android广泛的利益相关者群体提供最佳的平衡。支持针对新旧Android版本的持续纠正措施的策略可能会保持利益相关者的信心。一种为用户提供基本默认安全设置,但有权根据需要配置其他安全功能的方法,将为Android广泛的利益相关者群体提供最佳的平衡。支持针对新旧Android版本的持续纠正措施的策略可能会保持利益相关者的信心。一种为用户提供基本默认安全设置,但有权根据需要配置其他安全功能的方法,将为Android广泛的利益相关者群体提供最佳的平衡。