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High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using Pixel Predictions and Huffman Encoding
arXiv - CS - Multimedia Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: arxiv-2102.12613
Yingqiang Qiu, Xin Chen, Qichao Ying, Huanqiang Zeng, Zhenxing Qian, Xinpeng Zhang

This paper proposes a high-capacity reversible data hiding scheme for encrypted images using pixel predictions and Huffman encoding. At the owner's side, we propose to generate the prediction-error histogram (PEH) of the original image using the median edge detector (MED). According to the prediction errors, we divide the pixels into independently encoding pixels and jointly encoding pixels. We then build an optimal Huffman tree to efficiently encode the prediction errors. Then the image is encrypted using the stream cipher and an image encryption key. We replace the lower bit-planes of the encrypted pixels with the Huffman codeword of their prediction error. The rest of the bit-planes are vacated as the embedding room. At the data hider's side, we locate the vacated room with the reference of the side information. We then encrypt the additional data using the data hiding key and embed it into the encrypted image. The proposed scheme is separable, namely, the receivers with different authentication can respectively conduct error-free data extraction and/or error-free image recovery. The results show that the embedding capacity of the proposed scheme is larger than previous RDHEI arts. Besides, the proposed scheme can provide high information security. Little detail of the original image can be discovered from the encrypted image by the unauthorized users.


