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Simultaneous estimation of astrophysical and cosmological stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds with terrestrial detectors
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.103.043023
Katarina Martinovic , Patrick M. Meyers , Mairi Sakellariadou , Nelson Christensen

The recent Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo joint observing runs have not claimed a stochastic gravitational-wave background detection, but one expects this to change as the sensitivity of the detectors improves. The challenge of claiming a true detection will be immediately succeeded by the difficulty of relating the signal to the sources that contribute to it. In this paper, we consider backgrounds that comprise compact binary coalescences and additional cosmological sources, and we set simultaneous upper limits on these backgrounds. We find that the Advanced LIGO/Advanced Virgo network, operating at design sensitivity, will not allow for separation of the sources we consider. Third-generation detectors, sensitive to most individual compact binary mergers, can reduce the astrophysical signal via subtraction of individual sources, and potentially reveal a cosmological background. Our Bayesian analysis shows that, assuming a detector network containing Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope and reasonable levels of individual source subtraction, we can detect cosmological signals ΩCS(25Hz)=4.5×1013 for cosmic strings, and ΩBPL(25Hz)=2.2×1013 for a broken power-law model of an early Universe phase transition.



最近的高级LIGO和高级处女座联合观测尚未提出随机重力波背景探测技术,但人们希望随着探测器灵敏度的提高而改变。要求将信号与造成信号的源联系起来的困难将立即接of而至,要求进行真正检测的挑战。在本文中,我们考虑了包括紧凑的二元合并和其他宇宙学源的背景,并且我们在这些背景上同时设置了上限。我们发现,以设计敏感度运行的Advanced LIGO / Advanced Virgo网络不允许分离我们考虑的源。第三代探测器对大多数单独的紧凑型二进制合并都很敏感,可以通过减去单个源来减少天体信号,并可能揭示宇宙学背景。我们的贝叶斯分析表明,假设一个包含Cosmic Explorer和Einstein望远镜的探测器网络以及合理水平的单个源减法,我们就可以探测到宇宙学信号ΩCS25赫兹=4.5×10-13 用于宇宙弦,以及 ΩBPL25赫兹=2.2×10-13 打破了早期宇宙相变的幂律模型。