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Leishmaniasis Beyond East Africa
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.618766
Caitlin M. Jones , Susan C. Welburn

Climate change is having a substantial impact on our environment and ecosystems and has altered the way humans live, access, and utilize resources with increased risk of zoonotic infectious disease encounters. As global temperatures continue to increase, they impact on public health, migration, food security and land conflict, and as new environments become favorable, exposure to disease carrying vectors. Increased forests or natural habitat clearance for land repurposing, urbanization, road building, and water management are related to an increase in emerging vector borne parasitic diseases. The East African region remains one of the most impacted regions globally for leishmaniasis, a vector borne disease that impacts significantly on the health, wellbeing and livelihoods of affected communities and for which a lack of reporting and control interventions hinder progress toward elimination of this neglected tropical disease. As our world continues to transform, both politically and climatically, it is essential that measures are put in place to improve surveillance and disease management with implementation of control measures, including vector control, especially in low- and middle-income countries that are expected to be most impacted by changes in climate. Only through effective management, now, can we be sufficiently resilient to preventing the inevitable spread of vectors into suitable habitat and expansion of the geographical range of leishmaniasis. This review offers a current perspective on Leishmaniasis as an endemic disease in East Africa and examines the potential of the recent emergence of Leishmania infection in hitherto unaffected regions to become a public health concern if no disease management is achieved.



气候变化正在对我们的环境和生态系统产生重大影响,并改变了人类生活,获取和利用资源的方式,使人畜共患传染病的风险增加。随着全球温度持续升高,它们对公共卫生,移民,粮食安全和土地冲突产生影响,并且随着新环境变得有利,暴露于携带疾病的媒介。增加森林或自然栖息地以进行土地利用,城市化,道路建设和水管理的清除与新出现的媒介传播的寄生虫病的增加有关。东非地区仍然是全球影响力最强的利什曼病的地区之一,利什曼病是一种媒介传播的疾病,会对健康产生重大影响,受影响社区的福祉和生计,而缺乏报告和控制干预措施阻碍了消除这一被忽视的热带病的进展。随着我们的世界在政治和气候上不断变化,必须采取措施,通过实施包括病媒控制在内的控制措施来改善监视和疾病管理,特别是在预计中低收入国家中受气候变化的影响最大。现在,只有通过有效的管理,我们才能有足够的弹性来防止媒介不可避免地传播到合适的栖息地中,并扩大利什曼病的地理范围。利什曼原虫 如果没有实现疾病管理,那么在迄今未受影响地区的感染将成为公共卫生问题。
