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The Early Upper Paleolithic Site Crvenka-At, Serbia–The First Aurignacian Lowland Occupation Site in the Southern Carpathian Basin
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.599986
Janina J. Nett , Wei Chu , Peter Fischer , Ulrich Hambach , Nicole Klasen , Christian Zeeden , Igor Obreht , Lea Obrocki , Stephan Pötter , Milivoj B. Gavrilov , Andreas Vött , Dušan Mihailović , Slobodan B. Marković , Frank Lehmkuhl

The Carpathian Basin is a key region for understanding modern human expansion into western Eurasia during the Late Pleistocene because of numerous early hominid fossil find spots. However, the corresponding archeological record remains less understood due to a paucity of well dated, contextualized sites. To help rectify this, we excavated and sampled Crvenka-At (Serbia), one of the largest Upper Paleolithic sites in the region to obtain radiometric ages for the archeological artifacts and evaluate their depositional context and subsequent site formation processes. Our results confirm that this locality represents a multiple-occupation Aurignacian site that dates to 36.4 ± 2.8 ka based on modeling of luminescence ages. Electrical resistivity tomography measurements indicate that the site formed on a sandy-gravelly fill terrace covered by overbank deposits. Complex grain size distributions further suggest site formation in contrasting depositional environments typically occurring alongside fluvial channels, at lakeshores, in alluvial fan or delta settings. The site is thus the closest (ca. 50 km) known Aurignacian site to the earliest undisputed modern human remains in Europe at the Peştera cu oase and some intervals of the occupation may therefore have been contemporaneous with them. This suggests that modern humans, during their initial settlement of Europe, exploited a wider range of topographic and ecological settings than previously posited. Our findings indicate that lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin are an important part of understanding the early settlement patterns of modern humans in Europe.


塞尔维亚上古旧石器时代早期遗址Crvenka-At –喀尔巴阡山脉南部的第一个奥尼尼亚纪低地占领点

由于许多早期的原始人化石发现地点,喀尔巴阡盆地是了解现代人类在晚更新世期间向欧亚大陆扩张的重要地区。然而,由于缺乏及时的背景资料,相应的考古记录仍然鲜为人知。为了纠正这一问题,我们对Crvenka-At(塞尔维亚)进行了挖掘和取样,该地区是该地区最大的旧石器时代遗址之一,以获取考古文物的辐射年龄,并评估其沉积背景和随后的遗址形成过程。我们的结果证实,根据发光年龄的模型,该位置代表了一个多人居住的奥里尼亚克人遗址,其年代可追溯至36.4±2.8 ka。电阻层析成像测量表明,该部位形成在砂砾砾石填充的台地上,该台地上覆盖了沉积物。复杂的粒度分布进一步表明在沉积环境中通常形成于河流通道旁,河岸,冲积扇或三角洲的对比沉积环境。因此,该遗址是距离欧洲最早的现代人类遗骸Peşteracuase最接近(约50公里)的奥里尼亚纪遗址,因此可能与它们同时存在一定的占领间隔。这表明现代人类在其最初的欧洲定居期间,利用了比以前假定的范围更广的地形和生态环境。
