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A Model for Intelligent Services in Indoor Agriculture Based on Context Histories
Sensors ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.3390/s21051631
Bruno Guilherme Martini , Gilson Augusto Helfer , Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa , Regina Célia Espinosa Modolo , Marcio Rosa da Silva , Rodrigo Marques de Figueiredo , André Sales Mendes , Luís Augusto Silva , Valderi Reis Quietinho Leithardt

The application of ubiquitous computing has increased in recent years, especially due to the development of technologies such as mobile computing, more accurate sensors, and specific protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the trends in this area of research is the use of context awareness. In agriculture, the context involves the environment, for example, the conditions found inside a greenhouse. Recently, a series of studies have proposed the use of sensors to monitor production and/or the use of cameras to obtain information about cultivation, providing data, reminders, and alerts to farmers. This article proposes a computational model for indoor agriculture called IndoorPlant. The model uses the analysis of context histories to provide intelligent generic services, such as predicting productivity, indicating problems that cultivation may suffer, and giving suggestions for improvements in greenhouse parameters. IndoorPlant was tested in three scenarios of the daily life of farmers with hydroponic production data that were obtained during seven months of cultivation of radicchio, lettuce, and arugula. Finally, the article presents the results obtained through intelligent services that use context histories. The scenarios used services to recommend improvements in cultivation, profiles and, finally, prediction of the cultivation time of radicchio, lettuce, and arugula using the partial least squares (PLS) regression technique. The prediction results were relevant since the following values were obtained: 0.96 (R2, coefficient of determination), 1.06 (RMSEC, square root of the mean square error of calibration), and 1.94 (RMSECV, square root of the mean square error of cross validation) for radicchio; 0.95 (R2), 1.37 (RMSEC), and 3.31 (RMSECV) for lettuce; 0.93 (R2), 1.10 (RMSEC), and 1.89 (RMSECV) for arugula. Eight farmers with different functions on the farm filled out a survey based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). The results showed 92% acceptance regarding utility and 98% acceptance for ease of use.



近年来,无处不在的计算的应用有所增加,特别是由于诸如移动计算,更精确的传感器以及用于物联网(IoT)的特定协议等技术的发展。该领域研究的趋势之一是情境意识的使用。在农业中,环境涉及环境,例如温室内的条件。最近,一系列研究提出了使用传感器来监视生产和/或使用相机来获取有关耕种的信息,向农民提供数据,提醒和警报的建议。本文提出了一种称为“ IndoorPlant”的室内农业计算模型。该模型使用对上下文历史记录的分析来提供智能的通用服务,例如预测生产力,指出耕作可能遇到的问题,并提出改善温室参数的建议。通过在种植菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜七个月期间获得的水培生产数据,在三种农民的日常生活场景中对IndoorPlant进行了测试。最后,本文介绍了通过使用上下文历史记录的智能服务获得的结果。这些场景使用服务来建议改进栽培,概况,最后使用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归技术预测菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜的栽培时间。由于获得了以下值,因此预测结果具有相关性:0.96(R 通过在种植菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜七个月期间获得的水培生产数据,在三种农民的日常生活场景中对IndoorPlant进行了测试。最后,本文介绍了通过使用上下文历史记录的智能服务获得的结果。这些场景使用服务来建议改进栽培,概况,最后使用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归技术预测菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜的栽培时间。由于获得了以下值,因此预测结果具有相关性:0.96(R 通过在种植菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜七个月期间获得的水培生产数据,在三种农民的日常生活场景中对IndoorPlant进行了测试。最后,本文介绍了通过使用上下文历史记录的智能服务获得的结果。这些场景使用服务来建议改进栽培,概况,最后使用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归技术预测菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜的栽培时间。由于获得了以下值,因此预测结果具有相关性:0.96(R 这些场景使用服务来建议改进栽培,概况,最后使用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归技术预测菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜的栽培时间。由于获得了以下值,因此预测结果具有相关性:0.96(R 这些场景使用服务来建议改进栽培,概况,最后使用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归技术预测菊苣,生菜和芝麻菜的栽培时间。由于获得了以下值,因此预测结果具有相关性:0.96(R2,确定系数),菊苣的1.06(RMSEC,校准均方误差的平方根)和1.94(RMSECV,交叉验证均方误差的平方根);生菜为0.95(R 2),1.37(RMSEC)和3.31(RMSECV);芝麻菜为0.93(R 2),1.10(RMSEC)和1.89(RMSECV)。农场中有八个功能不同的农民填写了基于技术接受模型(TAM)的调查。结果表明,实用程序的接受率为92%,易用性的接受率为98%。