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Community Pharmacy Practice in Italy during the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Pandemic: Regulatory Changes and a Cross-Sectional Analysis of Seroprevalence
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18052302
Francesca Baratta , Giulio Mario Visentin , Lorenzo Ravetto Ravetto Enri , Marco Parente , Irene Pignata , Francesco Venuti , Giovanni Di Di Perri , Paola Brusa

Pharmacists in the community and the essential requirement to safeguard their own health have become fundamental since the spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The aims of this paper were (I) to analyze the directives provided to pharmacists in 2020 regarding preventative safety measures to be adopted; (II) to determine the number of pharmacists who came into contact with SARS-CoV-2 in North-West Italy and relate this to the adopted preventative measures. The first aim was pursued by conducting a bibliographic research, consulting the principal regulatory sources. The second one was achieved with an observational study by administering a questionnaire and performing a serological test. The various protection measures imposed by national and regional legislation were analyzed. Two hundred and eighty-six pharmacists (about 8% of the invited ones) responded to the survey. Ten pharmacists reported a positive result to the serological test. Of the subjects who presented a positive result, three declared that they had not used a hand sanitizer, while two stated that they had not scheduled the cleaning and decontamination of surfaces. Two interviewees had not set up a system of quota restrictions on admissions. In four cases, a certified cleaning company had decontaminated the premises. The results of our study show that during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the most pressing challenge for community pharmacists has been the protection of staff and clients inside the pharmacy; the challenge to be faced in the near future will probably be the management of new responsibilities.



自严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)传播以来,社区的药剂师和维护自身健康的基本要求已变得至关重要。本文的目的是(I)分析2020年向药剂师提供的有关将要采用的预防性安全措施的指令;(II)确定在意大利西北部接触SARS-CoV-2的药剂师的人数,并将其与已采取的预防措施联系起来。第一个目标是通过进行书目研究并咨询主要的法规来源而实现的。第二项是通过观察性研究来完成的,方法是进行问卷调查并进行血清学检测。分析了国家和地区立法规定的各种保护措施。286名药剂师(占邀请药剂师的8%)回答了该调查。十名药剂师对血清学测试报告了阳性结果。在呈阳性结果的受试者中,三名声称他们没有使用洗手液,而两名称他们没有安排对表面进行清洁和消毒。两名受访者尚未建立招生配额制度。在四起案件中,一家经认证的清洁公司对场地进行了消毒。我们的研究结果表明,在2019年冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行期间,社区药师面临的最紧迫挑战是保护药房内的工作人员和客户; 在不久的将来面临的挑战可能是新职责的管理。